2007 Membership Directory

We apologize if your name was not published in this year’s directory. The way we approached it was to require anyone who wanted to be included to fill out a special form, which was sent in August. Although nearly half our members filled out the form, there were several who overlooked it.

Next year, we plan to do multiple mailings, so as to minimize the chances of the form being overlooked by people who want to be included. We also plan to allow people to give “perpetual” permission for inclusion, as there are several members who are very open about their membership arrangements.

Engineering Developments in Cryonics

Testing of several engineering developments is underway, including the Advanced Cryoprotective Perfusion System (ACPS), the patient enclosure, and the Air Transportable Perfusion system (ATP). The ACPS, which will enable computer control of the process of perfusing the body with cryoprotectants during cryopreservation, is being incrementally tested. Control code is in place for system calibration, perfusate flow rate, vascular pressure, temperature, concentration, and mixing reservoir fluid level. The patient enclosure, which will have the ability to cool a patient following surgery, is easily able to reach -110 degrees C. We’re cooling to -100 degrees C while the patient is still in the operating room because it reduces the patient’s exposure to toxic cryoprotectant at high temperatures. The patient will be moved for second-stage cooling down to -196 degrees C at a safer handling temperature.

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Laboratory Renovations Near Completion

Renovations to Alcor’s lab spaces continue. A new protective coating was applied to the floors, the walls have been painted, and new cabinets have been installed in the cardiopulmonary bypass lab, the large animal training room, and the dry lab. Countertops will be added next. Despite the disruption caused by renovation, Chana de Wolf was able to complete three surgical training sessions in preparation for her upcoming experiments.

Additional facility improvements, including a fresh coat of paint for the building and a new layer of asphalt for the parking lot, were provided courtesy of Cryonics Property, LLC.

Clinical Readiness
Alcor has redesigned its portable ice bath (PIB) and is in the process of replicating it. Some minor modifications are being made to the original design, mostly with regard to the choice of wheels and the upper railing.

Southern California Regional Coordinator Resigns

Peter Voss, Alcor’s southern California Regional Coordinator, has resigned. He continues to store the California emergency transport vehicle and stabilization supplies until a replacement is found.

Cryopreservation and Related Cases

One pet cryopreservation was performed on a member’s beloved cat in October. Alcor now has 33 pets in its care.

An elderly, long-time member in California suffered a pair of apparent seizures recently. He was briefly hospitalized and released after a period of overnight observation. After additional tests were completed, Alcor personnel visited this member in San Diego to assess his condition. The member continues to be cared for by a close relative and Alcor will monitor his condition through close contact.

Probate Matters: The A-1097 probate is nearing conclusion, and the executor is preparing to close the estate, now that all taxes are filed and paid. Alcor has been reimbursed for the renovations made to this patient’s property, which was bequeathed to Alcor and is on the market in California.


The 7th Alcor Conference was held in early October. Of the paid registrants, 40 were members of Alcor and 43 were non-members. Total attendance was approximately 125 people, including registrants, staff, speakers, sponsors, volunteers, press and other special guests. A total of $14,500 in sponsorships was collected. The conference DVD will be professionally edited and pre-orders are now being accepted on the Alcor webstore: www.shop.alcor.org

Membership Matters

Approximately 85 Alcor members are over 90 days past due on their membership dues. Alcor is actively attempting to reach them for payment or payment arrangements. Timely payment of membership dues is required to remain a member in good standing.

The 2007 Membership Directory was mailed out this week. Alcor took the opportunity to include a form for confirming the correct contact information for each member, which is important for ensuring we can reach them in an emergency or if their life insurance lapses, etc.

As of October 31, 2007, Alcor had 832 members, following approval of seven new memberships. Five new applicants were added, two of whom applied at the 7th Alcor Conference.


Alcor’s Tanya Jones spoke at the Foresight Vision Weekend in Sunnyvale, California, and an Alcor member handed out literature at the Calorie Restriction Society conference in San Antonio, Texas. Attendees at the Calorie Restriction Society conference are devoted to longevity, and two new applicants for membership with Alcor have resulted thus far.

2007 Membership Directory

Alcor received an overwhelming response from its members who asked to be included in the 2007 Alcor Membership Directory. Nearly half of Alcor’s members requested to be included, although all members will receive a copy of the directory in the next few weeks. Even those who aren’t listed are encouraged to use the contacts listed to form local support groups. The purpose of the directory is to bring members together. Those who form a new group that meets regularly are encouraged to contact Alcor for announcement of the group to a wider audience, which spurs new attendees. One caveat – Alcor asks members to respect the privacy of those included in the directory by not taking the directory to public places or sharing it with non-members.

Foresight Vision Weekend Open to Alcor Members

Foresight Nanotech Institute’s Vision Weekend to be held Nov. 3-4 is open to Alcor members, as well as members of other special cooperating groups. Usually this event is only open to their Senior Associate members.

Alcor encourages you to check out this event and register early. It is an “unconference,” so attendees have the option of presenting as well as general participation. The overall theme is advanced technologies, with a wide variety of topics to be covered, including a presentation on cryonics by Alcor’s Tanya Jones.

Facebook users can indicate their plans to attend here, though RSVPs here don’t guarantee you a seat.

Hope to see you there!