Membership and Applicant Growth

On March 31, 2008, Alcor had 851 members on its Emergency Responsibility List. Eleven memberships were finalized in March. We started emailing the applicants to forewarn them when extended fees are to be applied to their account. By giving them over a month of warning, they have time to finish their membership arrangements and avoid the fee.

We received 16 new applicants this month. We started offering prospective members the opportunity to complete their membership application over the phone. This time-saving option has been received quite positively.

We are pleased with recent efforts to increase the applicant queue. More applications have been submitted in the past four months (64) than the total number of applications submitted in the first eleven months of 2007 (51).

Alcor’s free information package is also being requested by prospective members via Alcor’s website 215 times monthly, exceeding the previous yearly average of 150 requests per month. Also subscription to Cryonics Magazine has more than tripled in the last six months.

New Answering Service

We changed answering services this month. Our previous service was unsatisfactory therefore we have replaced it with a medical-oriented answering service that appears to be performing well.

This service was in place when the calls started on the most recent case, and we are so far satisfied with their performance. One of the advantages to this new company is that we can listen to the calls after the emergency situation concludes, so that we can refine our instructions for them.

A broader description of what kinds of information Alcor needs when responding in an emergency will be posted to our blog at a later date.

Alcor Northern California Meeting

The next Northern California Alcor meeting is Sunday, April 13, 4pm at the small clubhouse of Cypress Point Lakes Condominiums, 505 Cypress Point Dr, Mtn View.

If you want to join in the potluck, please bring some food to share, the popular potluck rule of thumb is “bring about as much food as you would care to eat were you by yourself”.

For detailed directions please click on the the link below:

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“Life Extension Meeting” sponsored by Cryonics UK

Cryonics UK invites you to join them for the Annual General Meeting of Cryonics UK. Don’t miss this opportunity to socialize with like-minded people to discuss topics of interest in the field of cryonics, attend lectures and workshops.

Date: Saturday & Sunday, May 3rd. & 4th. 2008
Time: 10am-4.30pm both days
Place: 4 Mount Caburn Crescent, Peacehaven, E. Sussex, BN10 8DW

Hosted by:      Alan & Sylvia Sinclair (For many years Alan & Sylvia have been generously providing Food & Drink, a comfortable place for the Meetings)

More information about this event and to RSVP.

To learn more about Cryonics UK please visit their website at:

Don’t Miss ABC Nightline-TONIGHT-March 31st!

ABC Nightline will air a segment about cryonics tonight, Monday, March 31st sometime between 11:35 pm and 12:05 am (ET).

Watch a clip of “Live to Be 150 … Can You Do It?”, an ABC News Barbara Walters special, which air tomorrown on Tuesday, April 1st at 10 p.m. ET.

Alcor Cryopreserves 80th Patient

Over the weekend, Alcor completed an unusual non-confidential, last-minute case: the cryopreservation of Rose Selkovitch, A-2340. Rose was nearly 102 years old at the time of her cryopreservation.

Because of the last-minute nature of this case, Rose passed away as the standby team was still en route to her Escondido, California location on 29 March 2008. The transport vehicle had been deployed from Arizona with two team members and a member of the southern California team drove down. Due to advance negotiations, a dose of heparin was administered by hospice personnel after her pronouncement at approximately 20:30, chest compressions performed to circulate, and she was packed in ice upon pronouncement of legal death. By the time, the standby team and the funeral director were on-site, the cannulations completed and the washout ready to begin, Rose’s temperature was at 6 degrees C. An equipment problem and concerns about pumping the warmer blood from her chest cavity into her brain (which would warm it up significantly) contributed to a decision to not do a washout in California, but instead begin transport to Arizona for cryoprotection.

Transit paperwork was received in a timely fashion, and the transport concluded without incident. The surgery revealed that Rose had extremely large carotid arteries, and our surgeon suspected there was an aneurysm deeper in the carotid on the right side. Nevertheless, the blood washout went extremely well, resulting in a hematocrit reading that was undetectable. Cryoprotection began at 19:34 on 30 March and concluded at 00:33. Target concentrations of cryoprotectant were achieved in the brain, and first-stage cooling was begun shortly thereafter.

Support from hospice personnel and the local funeral home were instrumental in this case going well. Being just five weeks shy of her 102nd birthday makes Rose the oldest cryopreserved patient at Alcor today. She is our 80th patient.

Update: ABC News & Barbara Walters Special

“Live to be 150 . . . Can You Do It?” will air Tuesday, April 1, at 10:00 p.m. (ET) on ABC.

Don’t miss this Barbara Walters Special Report, which explores the elusive answers to living longer and staying younger. The report will include interviews with Alcor COO Tanya Jones and Alcor member Shannon Vyff who discuss cryopreservation. Dr. Aubrey de Grey also shares his theory for defeating aging and extending the human lifespan.

Other topics of discussion include regenerating body parts using stem cells and cloning; calorie-restrictive diets; a “miracle” pill called Resveratrol; and aging gracefully. The show also brings a group of centenarians together to discuss their remarkable longevity and to clear up misconceptions about living to 100.

The show is featured on the ABC website. We encourage our supporters to educate the public about cryonics by respectfully posting on the website after the show airs.

Read Full Press Release:

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Next Board Meeting

The next Board meeting is scheduled for Saturday, April 5, 2008, at the Alcor facility (7895 East Acoma Drive in Scottsdale, AZ) at 11:00 AM (PDT).

Members and the public are encouraged to attend.

Research and Development

In the last update we reported that Alcor’s Advanced Cryoprotective Perfusion System (ACPS) was awaiting final wiring of the system. The panel containing the refractometers and temperature monitoring systems, as well as other assorted electronics, has now been wired for use. The programmer is currently assembling all of the discrete components of the system into a single batch process for operation.

The patient enclosure, which will be used in conjunction with the ACPS during the cryopreservation process, has also seen modification. One change was to increase the size of the heat exchange area of the OR table where nitrogen will circulate for cooling. This made the enclosure taller, so we are reconsidering the use of a standard-height operating table. Another change was to miniaturize the chiller, which uses liquid nitrogen to cool and precisely control the temperature of the cryoprotectant as it enters the patient. These changes will enable a significant amount of floor space to be recovered (compared to the previous design) and all perfusion components (except the perfusate itself) to fit on the pump base.

Los Angeles Training Session

Regina Pancake, one of Alcor’s staff, traveled to Los Angeles on February 23rd for a small training session with local “first response” team members. She demonstrated Alcor’s newly designed portable ice bath, leading to some useful feedback and resulting in some changes to be implemented with subsequent versions. The Los Angeles team members also indicated that the design was largely intuitive and the assembly was easy.

The timing for this training session and subsequent feedback was good, as Alcor is about to begin replicating 14 ice baths for distribution to regions around the world. The rescue baskets, from which the ice baths are constructed, have arrived at Alcor. Four of them were damaged in shipping and will be replaced. The other ten are ready for assembly.