Next Board Meeting

The next Board meeting is scheduled for Saturday, September 6, 2008, at the Alcor facility (7895 East Acoma Drive in Scottsdale, AZ) at 11:00 AM (PDT). Members and the public are encouraged to attend.

Research and Development

The Whole-body System The development of the whole-body system progresses with some changes to the user interface which will make the system easier to use and yet also provide more clarity on the data being generated at any given moment. We have also expanded significantly the note-taking capability of the system. We are at the point of final engineering testing for the ramp generation portion of the system and have yet to verify our 3-point calibration.

Redesigned Stabilization and Transport Kits As of August 20, 2008, our Transport Teams in Southern California, Northern California, Massachusetts, Nevada, Florida and the United Kingdom have now been outfitted with the new Med Kits. These kits are the first stage of the Stabilization and Transport Kits currently in development here at Alcor.

The latest configuration for the Med Kit allows for ease of use for our teams when stabilization and transport time is limited and crucial. Each medication is vacuum sealed into a clear plastic package containing all the required elements and written instructions.

Our Southern California Transport Team performed a test run recently at their July training session using a mock up kit identical to the now real and deployed Med Kits. Feedback from the field on the redesigned kit was very positive and greatly appreciated.

Administrative Statistics

Membership On July 31, 2008, Alcor had 863 members on its Emergency Responsibility List. Four memberships were approved during this month, no memberships were reinstated, six memberships were cancelled and one member was cryopreserved.

Applicants Currently there are 67 applicants for membership. Three new applicants were added, 4 applicants were converted to members.

Information Packets 143 info packs were requested this month, 7 were handed out during facility tours or from special request. The average total of 213 info packs sent per month in 2008 is compared to 129 in 2007.

Recent Cryopreservation

One of our members, A-1212, suffered cardiac arrest in Hawaii last week. The gentleman had suffered a fall and been released from the hospital, and then he fell a second time. On this admission to the hospital, he was diagnosed with pneumonia. Treatment with antibiotics was going well, but his heart stopped suddenly. We were not notified until between 15 and 30 minutes after pronouncement. Negotiations with the hospital for the application of our emergency protocol did not go quickly or smoothly. Ultimately, they did agree to begin surface cooling and administered an intranasal dose of heparin (They had removed all IV lines before we were called and were unwilling to place a new one.) before releasing him to the funeral home.

Initial negotiations with funeral homes in Hawaii were also difficult, as none were willing to commit to rapid transit. We went through three separate facilities to find one that would carry out our instructions. With all the delays, it was a full 42 hours after pronouncement that the patient arrived at Alcor, which proved faster than the original 3-4 day estimates.

The decision was made to attempt cryoprotection. We know from previous cases that vitrification is achievable after 30 hours and application of the medication protocol and surface cooling, and we decided to see if it was possible to improve our understanding of the limits to vitrification. It was quickly established that 42 hours with little surface cooling and virtually no meds, vitrification was not possible. We then straight-froze the brain.

During this case, there was much discussion of whether or not to remove the brain, chemically fix it and do a diffusion cryoprotection. Because insufficient data exists to tell us whether this would have resulted in superior structural preservation, we chose to use our standard protocol.

This patient received our 5th cryopreservation of the year, and he is our 83rd patient.

Announcement of Positions

Dear Alcor Member,

On June 7th and 8th, 2008, the Alcor board and management held a 2-day strategic planning meeting at the Alcor facility in Scottsdale, Arizona. At that meeting a funding offer brought forward by board member Saul Kent was accepted by the Alcor Board after considerable discussion.

The funding offer was made by three donors: the Life Extension Foundation, the Miller family, and Edward and Vivian Thorp, who will each contribute $150,000 a year to Alcor for three years, totaling $1,350,000. The funding provides for searches and three years of salary support for a CEO and a Transport Coordinator, who will be responsible for the early stages of the cryopreservation of Alcor patients. The funding will also pay to improve readiness for cases at Alcor and provide a 10% raise in salary for three years for the entire Alcor staff.

The position announcements for the CEO and Transport Coordinator positions are shown below. Information about how to apply for these positions is included. Those who wish to apply can do so immediately.


Jennifer Chapman, Chief Operating Officer
Alcor Life Extension Foundation

Alcor Chief Executive Officer – Announcement of Position
Position: Chief Executive Officer, Alcor Life Extension Foundation
Effective Date: July 20, 2008
Qualifications and Responsibilities: See below
Salary: $125,000 per year plus the benefits described below

The Alcor Life Extension Foundation (Alcor) invites applications for the position of Chief Executive Officer (CEO). Alcor is a non-profit, tax-exempt membership organization in Scottsdale, Arizona, that is the world leader in cryonics, cryonics research, and cryonics technology. The Alcor CEO will be in charge of all operations including the management of Alcor’s staff, which currently consists of 10 people in Scottsdale and consultants in other areas. This includes management of administrative activities, research and development projects, cryopreservation cases, and long-term patient care operations. The position will likely require periodic travel.

Qualifications for the CEO Position
It is preferred that candidates for the CEO position have the following qualifications:

1. Experience in successfully managing small or medium-sized companies that offer scientific and/or medical products and services. CEO candidates should possess an effective management approach that is consistent with Alcor’s mission statement and includes strategic planning, the development of a structured organizational system, setting and enforcing project deadlines, and effective tactics for conflict resolution. Those who only have experience in managing companies that do not offer technical products and services can also apply if they have a strong interest in and commitment to cryonics;

2. A good working knowledge of cryonics, cryonics practice, and the scientific evidence in support of cryonics. This includes some knowledge of the equipment, medications, and supplies used in the practice of cryonics, such as the portable ice bath (PIB), the air transportable perfusion system (ATP), anti-ischemia medications, portable cardiac compression devices, vitrification circuits, and the cryogenic dewars used to care for cryopreserved patients. Extensive knowledge of cryonics and cryonics practice is not a mandatory qualification for the position, however it is critically important that CEO candidates be strongly committed to the long-term care of Alcor patients who have been cryopreserved and the ongoing improvement of the methods by which new Alcor patients are cryopreserved;

3. The ability to work well and manage others well under ordinary circumstances and under pressure. Alcor performs cryopreservations about 2-8 times a year. These can involve rapid decisions with health, emotional, financial, organizational, and legal ramifications, especially when the patient and family have not made prior arrangements for the patient to be cryopreserved and are seeking to do so under considerable time pressure. The CEO will need to interact diplomatically with and educate patients, relatives, medical personnel, hospital administrators, and government officials. The CEO will need to know the legal basis for cryonics and be able to explain both the promise and limitations of cryonics in a credible manner. The CEO will need to have a commanding presence during emergencies and when coping with the everyday pressures of running the organization;

4. The ability to work well with the Alcor Board of Directors, which will be overseeing the CEO’s performance and the progress of the organization as a whole, and to work well with the other members of the Alcor management team;

5. Strong communication skills to help facilitate a positive public perception of Alcor and cryonics and to help increase Alcor’s rate of membership growth. This includes the ability and willingness to speak effectively in public, be interviewed by the media, offer tours of the Alcor facility to the public, and write articles for Alcor’s publications;

6. Fiscal management skills, including the ability to oversee Alcor’s budget, oversee annual accounting reviews, implement controls, communicate financial affairs to the board and membership, foresee and deal with cash flow challenges, and implement fundraising ideas to obtain both unrestricted and restricted donations and bequests to improve Alcor’s financial status on an ongoing basis.

Salary and Benefits
The salary for the CEO position will be $125,000 per year plus health insurance,
paid sick leave, paid vacation time, and other benefits as specified in Alcor’s policies or otherwise negotiated. Alcor will pay all the costs of relocation for any successful candidate
who doesn’t already reside in the Scottsdale area.

Applying for the CEO Position
In order to apply for the CEO position, please send a resume and a cover letter describing your interest in and qualifications for the CEO position to Jennifer Chapman at the following email address: or, if by mail, to Jennifer Chapman, Chief Operating Officer, Alcor Life Extension Foundation, 7895 East Acoma Drive, Suite 110, Scottsdale, Arizona 85260.

The cryopreservation of patients for possible future revival is known as cryonics. It is based upon the fact that cells, tissues, organs, and entire organisms maintained at very low (cryogenic) temperatures will not suffer any significant further damage for centuries; and the premises that advances in cryobiology make it possible today to preserve the brains of patients well enough to enable future scientists to restore individual identity; and that future advances in fields such as gerontology, genetic engineering, regenerative medicine, and nanotechnology may someday make it possible to restore cryopreserved patients to life, health, and youthful vigor.

The practice of cryonics is controversial because today’s methods of cryopreservation cannot be reversed by today’s technology and because today’s laws require that patients be cryopreserved after they are legally “dead.” As a result, Alcor has to deal with and counter skepticism at times. The CEO should have the knowledge and presence to deal effectively with negative attitudes towards Alcor and the practice of cryonics.

For more information about Alcor and cryonics please see our website at
Transport Coordinator
The Alcor Life Extension Foundation currently has an immediate opening for a Transport Coordinator at our Scottsdale, Arizona, facility. The Transport Coordinator is responsible for the stabilization and transport phases of cryonics. Cryonics is the experimental practice of using ultra-cold temperatures to preserve human life in a state that may be recoverable by future medicine. For four decades Alcor has developed and implemented innovative techniques in the field of human cryopreservation. These techniques involve a combination of experimental interventions and conventional medical skills.

At Alcor, we believe that intelligence, memories, and personality are determined primarily by the structure and chemistry of the human brain. Our aim is to preserve the brain and the unique identity within it so well that advanced future technology can restore the individual to health. The stabilization and transport phases of cryonics ideally consist of rapid cooling, administration of medications, and cardiopulmonary support to protect the brain following cardiac arrest prior to transport to Alcor. For more information about cryonics and Alcor please see our website at

Job Description:
The Transport Coordinator will be responsible for the postmortem stabilization and transport of Alcor patients to Alcor’s cryopreservation facility in Scottsdale Arizona. The Transport Coordinator will work with the Readiness Coordinator on the maintenance of Alcor’s existing patient stabilization and transport processes, ensuring that equipment is properly maintained for emergency deployment, field personnel are adequately trained, and that the highest quality of care is delivered to our patients. The Transport Coordinator will ensure that appropriate data is collected during stabilization and transport, and write detailed timely case reports. Once suitably experienced in our procedures, the Transport Coordinator will be responsible for improving our existing training regimen, updating documentation, extending regular training sessions for regional groups within the United States and overseas, and supervising the certification process for our technicians. The Transport Coordinator will work with personnel at Alcor and with external physicians, scientists and consultants to ensure that procedures reflect the best available medical and scientific knowledge. The Transport Coordinator will also perform the following specific tasks:

Premortem Responsibilities
1. Establish contact with Alcor member’s physician or medical facility upon terminal diagnosis.

2. Track and assess member’s condition without participating in treatment. Tracking may continue on an intermittent basis, in person or by phone.

3. Decide when the member’s condition warrants deployment of a stabilization team.

4. Organize and maintain a Standby, often in a remote location, in which cryonics transport technicians wait to perform post-mortem stabilization procedures.

5. Establish contact with local funeral homes to assist in transport preparations.

6. Interact with patients, their family and local medical personnel to ensure the timely application of Alcor’s protocol after pronouncement of legal death.

Postmortem Responsibilities
1. Ensure the timely application of Alcor’s stabilization protocol, which includes surface cooling, medication administration, cardiopulmonary support, airway management, and blood washout.

2. The Transport Coordinator will then supervise the transport of the patient to our facility in Scottsdale, Arizona, and possibly continue participation in the case in the operating room.

3. The Transport Coordinator will be responsible for the timely preparation of detailed technical reports on the care provided to each patient, once each transport is concluded.

This position requires out of town travel approximately 6 to 8 weeks per year. The Transport Coordinator is to be on call on a 24-hour basis for emergencies that may occur up to ten times per year. Otherwise, normal business working hours are required.

The person we are looking for will be self-motivating, and creative, but stable and reliable in challenging situations. Our Transport Coordinator must have good people skills to interact successfully with our member’s families and hospital personnel. Most of all, the individual must share our vision that cryonics patients require the same conscientious dedication to patient welfare as conventional medicine, even though cryonics procedures are still experimental.
This is an exciting opportunity to participate at the edges of current knowledge and feasibility, in the hope that cryopreservation of human beings will enable future resuscitation by radically advanced medicine. You will be part of one of the most difficult and ambitious scientific endeavors ever pursued.

Job Qualifications

* Paramedic, CCP, RN, NP, PA, or MD.
* Equivalent experience in a health field will be considered.
* A minimum of five (5) years experience is preferred.
* Experience in an emergency room or critical care setting is highly desirable.
* Experience in cryonics is desirable but not essential.
* Experience in tissue recovery is a plus.
* Excellent communication skills, both verbal and written, are required.

Alcor offers a competitive salary and comprehensive benefits package. Employees must reside in the greater Phoenix area, or be willing to relocate to Phoenix. We will pay relocation expenses. Qualified applicants should email their resume, salary requirements, and a cover letter describing their interest and attitude toward cryonics to Tanya Jones ().

Administrative Statistics

Alcor has 865 members on its Emergency Responsibility List. Ten memberships were approved during this month, no memberships were reinstated, three memberships were cancelled and one member was cryopreserved. Overall, there was a net gain of six members this month.

Current membership demographics are as follows:
Males – 667 Females – 198
Members signed for Neurosuspension – 405
Members signed for Whole Body – 400
Members signed for OO or N/WB – 60

We currently have approximately 38 families (variation of parents and siblings) and 30 married couples

Alcor has 66 applicants for membership.

Information Packets:
Alcor received 274 information packet requests, 8 were handed out during facility tours or from special requests. The average total of 252 info packs sent per month in 2008 as compared to 129 in 2007.

Technical Updates

Research and Development
Our preparation of the new whole-body vitrification system is nearing the alpha testing phase. The patient enclosure has been tested periodically to ensure our design refinements are performing as expected. Changes include altering the configuration and flow of the nitrogen injectors, adding additional insulation, increasing the size of the plenum, and constructing a mounting platform for the circulating fans.

Regina Pancake, Readiness Coordinator, attended the training session held by Cryonics Institute and one of our own in southern California. The focus of the southern California training was a review of changes we have been making to the medications kit. We have settled on a new design that pre-packages everything needed to prepare the medications for administration, and this design was well-received by the southern California team. It is simpler and clearer for the team members, and the few modifications suggested by the team are being implemented.

As part of the recovery process, we have been building new medication kits for the regions. We will soon be replacing all of the med kits in the regions with fresh medications and with the new packaging.

Report of Cryonics UK (CUK) Annual General Meeting 3 & 4 May, 2008

by David Flude – CUK Organiser (edited by Veronique Struis)

On May 3 & 4 British support group, Cryonics UK (CUK) held their annual meeting as part of a 2 day training meeting. Both CI and Alcor members attended the meeting, which marked big changes in the British organisation. After 18 years as Training Manager, Alan Sinclair decided to step down as Training Manager, but he is staying on as CUK President & Team Consultant. To thank him for his long-term contribution Alan was made a Lifetime President of CUK.

During the annual meeting CUK introduced a new policy of involving all members in the decision making process and increasing the number of committee officers managing the CUK. The committee has been nearly doubled & the following officers were elected:

President for Life – Alan Sinclair
Secretary & Webmaster – Mark Walker
Treasurer – Graham Hipkiss
Membership Manager – Mark Willis
Organiser – David Flude
Team Leader – Mark Walker
2nd Team Leader – TBA

The officers gave their yearly reports during the meeting in which Mark Walker outlined his plans for new sub committees to empower ordinary members, Alan Sinclair highlighted one of the main problems with the current transport vehicle, Mark Willis gave a description of the new CUK Membership database he has created and David Flude suggested that the whole emphasis of the group should change to gain momentum from the Life Extension movement, rather than just as a Cryonics Standby Team.

Read more

World-Renowned Scientists and Policy-Makers Discuss Curing Age-Related Diseases

The Methuselah Foundation presents Aging: The Disease, The Cure, The Implications, a panel discussion featuring world-renowned scientists and advocates of stem cell and regenerative medicine research, including Dr. Aubrey de Grey, the Foundation’s Chairman and Chief Science Officer.

Read more

Board Announcement

On June 7th and 8th, 2008, the Alcor board and management held a 2-day strategic planning meeting at the Alcor facility in Scottsdale, Arizona. Many general issues relating to the organization were discussed. A major topic of discussion was a funding offer brought forward by board member, Saul Kent. The offer is for the Life Extension Foundation, the Millers, and Edward and Vivian Thorp to each contribute $150,000 a year to Alcor for three years, totaling $1,350,000. These contributions are to fund improvements in cryopreservation case readiness, a new Standby Coordinator staff position, and an Executive Director search and salary support. Fuller details are below. The offer, with its associated conditions, was accepted by a majority vote of the Alcor board, with Steve Van Sickle and Carlos Mondragon opposing.

Also at this meeting, Tanya Jones was appointed Executive Director of Alcor, Jennifer Chapman was appointed Chief Operating Officer, and Steve Van Sickle was appointed Chief Technical Officer. Steve Van Sickle stepped down from the Alcor board, and Carlos Mondragon stepped down from the Alcor board and Alcor Patient Care Trust board. Michael Riskin was appointed as the new board representative on the Patient Care Trust board.

Board and management express their gratitude to Steve Van Sickle and Carlos Mondragon for their many years of service on the board, and to Steve Van Sickle for his past three years of service as Executive Director. The board also congratulates and wishes well Tanya Jones, Jennifer Chapman, Steve Van Sickle, and Michael Riskin in their new roles. The board also thanks Jerry Lemler for chairing the 2-day strategic meeting.

Alcor especially thanks the Life Extension Foundation, the Millers, and Edward and Vivian Thorp for their generous offer of financial support for improvements at Alcor, and Saul Kent for bringing the offer forward. The resolution adopted by the board accepting the funding proposal under the terms it was offered is below:

In response to a proposal by three major benefactors delivered to the Alcor board of directors by Saul Kent on June 7, 2008, we adopted these resolutions solely with respect to the use of $150,000 per donor per year for three years, totaling $1,350,000:

1. A comprehensive search for a new Executive Director will be undertaken.

2. A comprehensive search for a full-time Standby Coordinator will be initiated. In addition to managing standbys, this person would be responsible for working with others at Alcor to improve readiness for cases and would write detailed case reports for every Alcor cryopreservation patient in a timely manner.

3. Donations are to be accepted for improving readiness capability at Alcor for cryopreservation cases. In order to encourage donors to support this development, the following procedure will be followed:

First, written proposals, including budgets, will be submitted to the Alcor R&D committee for approval.

If the proposal involves developing new equipment, the next steps will be building and testing a prototype of this new equipment. Only after this prototype has been approved by the R&D committee will money be provided to construct or purchase additional units. The R&D committee is charged with evaluating all available options before making decisions regarding readiness equipment.

4. Upon payment by the donors of the needed funds, Alcor will give a 10% raise to all staff members.

5. All parts of the plan shall be implemented in a timely fashion.

6. Alcor will seek candidates for both positions who are mutually agreeable to the Alcor board of directors and the donors.

7. Alcor will develop a comprehensive fund raising and revenue-generation plan. Saul Kent will undertake to develop a first draft.