
Cheryl Knight from The Institution of Engineering and Technology visited Alcor and the Cryonics Institute and published a positive, refreshing and an in-depth article on cryonics. A science without a deadline reports on: the cryopreservation process; a symbol of hope; possibility of revival; ethics; skeptics; and clears up myths about cryonics.

Alcor Job Search Update

Two applications for the CEO position were received and distributed to committee members this month. Sixteen applications have been received thus far. One candidate was interviewed by committee members and several board directors. In early November, the Executive Search Committee plans to discuss other possible candidates to be interviewed.

The Transport Coordinator Job Search Committee has began setting up times and dates to interview several candidates who have applied for this position.

Technical Updates

Research and Development
Refinements continue on the whole-body enclosure for the vitrification system. We have been working to adjust the liquid nitrogen flows and temperature distribution across both the cooling stage and the patient environment. The testing this month included:

1. Performing a trial run of the cDAQ – 9172 unit from National Instruments.
2. Performing an extreme cold test of the redesigned and prototyped enclosure lid.
3. Gaining and recording data on the cooling efficiency of the table for use in fine tuning of liquid nitrogen delivery.

Research and Development Committee
Through a unanimous vote from the Board, R. Pancake was added to the Research and Development Committee. Other voting members include Brian Wowk, PhD, Steve Harris, MD, and Tanya Jones. The Research and Development Committee determines uses for the Readiness Grant provided by the Life Extension Foundation, the Miller family, and Edward and Vivian Thorp.
Readiness Grant


Alcor’s first use of the readiness grant was to help fund some much needed improvements to its stabilization and transport kits, which were featured in the August 2008 issue of AlcorNews. The funds were used to purchase the following:

9 new sets of medications, with assorted supplies for medication administration;
1 Michigan Instruments Thumper repair;
6 rescue baskets for the construction of new ice baths, with assorted materials;
1 box of arterial cannula for ATP;
Labor for construction of 6 new ice baths;
Labor for construction of 9 medication kits.

We thank the Life Extension Foundation, the Miller family and Edward and Vivian Thorp for their donation towards readiness improvements of $32,639.68.

Presently, all the below first response teams in the field have fresh medication kits with up-to-date medications:
Alcor Central
Northern California
Southern California
United Kingdom

Continued work is being done to improve the stabilization and transport kits.

Administrative Updates

Jennifer Chapman named Chief Financial Officer, Treasurer
Discussions between the board of directors and Alcor management regarding recent changes in Jennifer Chapman‘s role and responsibilities prompted the board to vote to change Jennifer Chapman’s title to Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer, per the Bylaws provision that requires CFO to be Treasurer. Jennifer will direct the organization’s financial affairs and maintain its fiscal records, including evaluating and implementing internal controls, preparing budgets, producing internal financial statements, and overseeing financial reviews conducted by an outside accounting firm. Jennifer serves on the Financial Advisory Committee formed in July 2008.

Membership Services
There were a total of nine new members this month. Growth in 2009 is expected to be a substantial improvement over 2006 and 2007, although there is still room for improvement. Remember, cryonics grows the fastest when existing members and supporters talk with friends and loved ones about cryonics and Alcor’s program.

Next Board Meeting

The next Board meeting is scheduled for Saturday, December 6, 2008, at the Alcor facility (7895 East Acoma Drive in Scottsdale, AZ) at 11:00 AM (MST). Members and the public are encouraged to attend.

Stephen Van Sickle Leaves Alcor

Stephen Van Sickle is no longer employed as Alcor’s Chief Technical Officer. We wish him well in his endeavors.

CBS New Drama to Feature Cryonics Episode

Thursday, November 13th (10:00-11:00 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network.
CBS has a new drama this season that airs on Thursdays entitled “Eleventh Hour.” On this Thursday’s episode, titled “Frozen,” a woman’s body is discovered on the beach on the hottest day of the year – frozen solid with no signs of thawing. Dr. Jacob Hood, Special Science Advisor to the FBI, is called in to investigate. A companion story about the real world of cryonics may air on late news stations directly following the broadcast.

Alcor Southern California CryoFeast

Southern California is having their annual Alcor CryoFeast on Saturday, November 22, 2008 at 4:00 pm. This year they are also inviting members of other communities in the area, such as life extensionists, futurists and singularitarians.

You are invited to attend and chat with other interesting, visionary, imaginative and farsighted people as they kick off the 2008 holiday season. Everyone is strongly encouraged to bring a dish and their favorite beverage. For the dish, please bring something that’s not only festive, healthy and tasty but fun and imaginative! There will be a prize for the dish that most embodies these five characteristics.

The event will be hosted by David Kekich and Kat Cotter at the home of David Kekich, located at 1110 Pacific Coast Highway in Huntington Beach, CA. If you are interested in attending this event, please RSVP to or you may call Kat at 310-528-6712.

For directions, parking and hotel information click on the link below:

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Singularity Summit 2008

Singularity Summit 2008: Opportunity, Risk, Leadership
October 25, 2008, 9am-5pm, Montgomery Theater (San Jose, CA)

– Peter Diamandis, founder, CEO, and chair of X PRIZE Foundation
– Esther Dyson, influential journalist, entrepreneur, investor
– Ray Kurzweil, acclaimed inventor, author of The Singularity Is Near
– Justin Rattner, VP and CTO of Intel Corporation
– Peter Thiel, co-founder of PayPal, initial investor in Facebook
– Vernor Vinge, renowned science fiction author

The Singularity Summit is the premier dialog on the Singularity. The first Singularity Summit was held at Stanford University in 2006 to further understanding and discussion about the Singularity concept and the future of human technological progress. It was founded as a venue for leading thinkers to explore the subject, whether scientist, enthusiast, or skeptic.

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