Suspended Animation, Inc

A mutual assistance agreement was signed with Suspended Animation, Inc. to assist the organization with the standby, stabilization and transport of its patients. This will significantly enhance our ability to deliver quality care to our membership. We look forward to working with Suspended Animation.

Alcor Northern California Regional Quarterly Meeting

There will be a meeting about Alcor and cryonics in the San Francisco Bay Area, on July 12, 2009, at 4:00 pm. Exact location to be determined later.

Please contact for details and what dish to bring for the potluck.

Alcor Patient Care Trust Assets

As of April 30, 2009, the Alcor Patient Care Trust Fund has assets of
3.05 million dollars, invested as follows:

* The Patient Care Trust owns just over 75% of the shares in
Cryonics Properties, LLC, the limited liability company that owns the
Alcor building (all other shares are owned by Alcor members). These
shares (representing the Trust’s equity in the Alcor building) are
valued at approximately $470,000 based on the original purchase price
of the building (they would be higher at current market value). The
Trust also owns the mortgage on the building, valued at about
$280,000. Alcor pays rent to Cryonics Properties, LLC. Since Alcor
does not occupy the entire building, there are additional tenants who
also pay rent, which provides some additional income for the Patient
Care Trust.

* Capital equipment (primarily dewars) and leasehold improvements
(capital improvements to the Patient Care Bay) valued at
approximately $610,000. These are carried on the books and subject to
depreciation, but are not assets that would be liquidated.

* A cash account in which income (other than investment account
income) is placed, expenses are disbursed, and money is transferred
to the investment account. On the above date it contained about
$200,000 but generally contains on the order of $100,000. In
addition, on the above date the Accounts Receivable totaled $70,000.

* An investment account held at the firm of Morgan Stanley,
containing about $1.42 million. Thus far, no withdrawals from this
account have ever been made.

The balance and investment summary of the Patient Care Trust Morgan
Stanley Investment Account is now being posted monthly on the Alcor

To read more, click here:

Cryonics Meeting, New York

Cryonics Meeting, New York, June 6th 2009, Saturday 2-5 pm
At Stonehurst, home of Peter Gouras M.D.
Riverdale, the Bronx

Topics to be considered:
1. Can local members be organized to aid in the cool-down and transport of a deceased member?

2. What is the best protocol for doing this?

3. Can we support a laboratory in NYC to study for cryopreservation of organs and the brain in particular?

For the address, directions and to RSVP please contact:

First Responders Training at Alcor Facility

Alcor plans to start a series of regular training sessions that will be held at Alcor up to six times a year, beginning with three during the remainder of this year. The first of these free training weekends for first responders will be on the weekend of June 13th and 14th 2009 at the Alcor facility in Scottsdale Arizona. This training is open to anyone who would like participate for the two days. We only have room for fifteen people, so please RSVP early to Regina Pancake, Alcor’s Readiness Coordinator, at to hold your spot.

The Alcor transport team will still be traveling to perform training in regions where we have first responder teams in place already. However as the community of cryonicists near Alcor grows, it makes sense to have training sessions for our local population of members. Those who are interested may also travel to Scottsdale to attend these sessions if they wish.

Laughlin Training

On May 4th and 5th, Alcor’s transport team did a two day training in Laughlin Nevada for the casino owner’s security detail who are tasked with being Don Laughlin’s personal first responders in the event of his legal death. The Alcor team trainers, Aaron Drake, Todd Huffman and Regina Pancake set up stations for the employees to experience hands-on all the equipment that is utilized. After running everyone through the various processes and underlying theory, the Alcor staff members on the second day worked out several scenarios that would work with the help of the eleven security employees who volunteered for this duty.

The team then did a timed walk through of an actual transport from within the casino. It began with placing our mannequin (Manny) in one of Mr. Laughlin’s penthouse suites, and went through all the way to how to get the ice bath/thumper unit onto the Lear jet. It was a straightforward exercise, and all that were involved rolled with the variables that any scenario of this nature can throw at a team. In the end, they now have a working ice bath/thumper unit deployed to their region, and all the new individuals on the Riverside Casino team feel much more competent in performing this service for their employer if it comes to that on their watch.

New Board Member

Alcor is pleased to announce the election of Tim Shavers to the Alcor
Board of Directors at the May board meeting (held April 25 for
scheduling reasons). Tim is a new member of Alcor, but has been an
active Advisor and member of the Finance Committee since last year. He
brings to the board an impressive background in law and business
consulting. His full bio can be read here:

Recent Deployments

April was a busy month for Alcor field work. Two Alcor members had
scheduled surgeries in Arizona during the last week of April. One of
the surgeries was deemed to be high risk. The surgeries were in
Tucson and Phoenix, one day apart. Alcor elected to perform
precautionary standbys for both of them, bringing in three team
members from Suspended Animation, Inc. (SA) from Florida for a joint
deployment exercise with Alcor personnel. This proved invaluable
because just prior to the surgeries, Alcor’s Standby Coordinator,
Regina Pancake, became ill, and Alcor’s Transport Coordinator, Aaron
Drake, was deployed to Canada for a last-minute non-member case in
Vancouver, British Columbia.

Four staff members from Critical Care Research, Inc. (CCR) also joined
the standbys on a voluntary basis to help out (thanks!) after driving the
SA transport vehicle from its California base to Arizona for the standbys.
Aaron Drake returned two days later, in time for the second higher risk
standby, after the family in Canada decided not to proceed with cryonics

Both surgeries were successful, and the members are recovering.
There was another deployment outside the USA in February of this year,
when Regina Pancake spent a week in England preparing a patient for
low temperature shipment to Alcor. A full report of this case will be
published soon.

Cryonics Magazine

Alcor apologizes for the substantial delays in getting the two remaining 2008 issues to its members and subscribers in time. To get the publication of the magazine back on track again, and to improve its contents, Alcor has appointed Alcor member and publisher of the cryonics blog Depressed Metabolism Aschwin de Wolf as editor of the magazine.

Alcor is determined to publish the 2008-3 and 2008-4 issues and 2009-1 issues in quick succession over the coming months. If you have any questions about the magazine, or would like to contribute to the magazine, please contact the editor at:


Alcor’s Transport and Readiness Team Update

The last weekend of March, Alcor’s transport coordinator, Aaron Drake, and
readiness coordinator, Regina Pancake, conducted a training session at the
home of board of director member Michael Riskin, for the Southern
California team. It was a great turnout of 16 people, including everyone at
Critical Care Research, who drove out the Suspended Animation’s rescue
vehicle to familiarize the Southern California team with the capability that
it brings to the region. The team also received the new Alcor ice bath/thumper
unit and practiced the use of it during the session. It was an uplifting, productive
gathering that was run well by Southern California team coordinator Michael
Geisen who kept everyone on task till the end. Food was graciously provided
afterward by Michael Riskin in a relaxing atmosphere.

In the coming months, Alcor will be making the rounds to all the existing
teams, and to some newly forming teams, for training sessions. If you are
interested in participating, please email either
or , who would love to hear from you, our members.
We will be dispersing the more advanced equipment for deployment to the
regions as we either receive it from our manufactures or finish construction
in-house. We look forward to meeting you all and hope that those who are in
the position to donate their time to our first responder teams will add us
to their busy lives.

Our community needs you all. In addition, we will be sending out a survey,
in the near future, that we would like potential team members to fill out.
We are sending it out in batches, so some of you will get it before others.
But please take the time to fill this out and tell us a little about yourselves.