Team Training

Team Training
There will be a team training session in Scottsdale, Arizona on Saturday, January 23, 2010 at 3:00 pm at the Alcor facility. Please contact Aaron Drake at if you would like to attend the training session.

A CryoFeast will follow the training session at 7:00 pm. This will be a potluck dinner at a nearby home of an Alcor member. Please contact Bonnie Magee at for the address, directions and to RSVP for the potluck CryoFeast!

New Statistics (as of November 30, 2009)

Alcor had 908 members on its Emergency Responsibility List. Four (4) memberships were approved during this month, no memberships were reinstated, two (2) memberships were cancelled and no members were cryopreserved. Overall, there was a net gain of two (2) members this month.

Alcor had 71 applicants for membership. Six (6) new applicants were added, four (4) applicants were converted to members and no applicants were cancelled resulting in a net gain of two (2) applicants for this month.

Info Pack
Alcor received 324 info pack requests. Seven (7) were handed out during facility tours or from special request. The average total of 182 info packs sent per month in 2009 is compared to 173 in 2008.

Alcor Membership Dues 2010 Increase

As the year comes to a close, we would like to express our sincere appreciation to all of our supporters during 2009. The success of our mission truly relies upon you.

One of the primary ways our members support the organization is through the payment of membership dues. Alcor charges membership dues to support the advancement of its programs and to help defray the costs of equipment and supplies, administrative expenses, professional services, and other similar expenses. Alcor’s last dues increase was eight years ago, in 2002. Since then, the CPI-U (a frequently cited measure of inflation) has increased by nearly 20%. Alcor’s expense budget has accommodated this significant increase in general cost levels without any corresponding increase in revenue from member dues.

In light of this, and considering the need to address Alcor’s current operating budget deficit, the Alcor board of directors approved a 20% dues increase effective January 2010. Comprehensive Member Standby charges and Life Member dues remain unchanged.

See our updated fee schedule (III. Membership Dues), which will apply as of January 2010.

Upcoming Board Meeting

The next Board meeting is scheduled for Sunday, December 6, 2009, at the Alcor facility (7895 East Acoma Drive in Scottsdale, AZ) at 11:00 AM (PT). Members and the public are encouraged to attend.

Team Training

Update–Southern California Transport Team Training
The times for the training sessions are as follows:
Saturday, December 12, 2009, 10:00 a.m to 5:00 p.m.
Sunday, December 13, 2009, 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.

To read more about “Southern California Transport Team Training & CryoFeast

Team Training
The Northern California Response Team training was held on October 10th and 11th. John Schloendorn and Eri Gentry graciously provided their home in Mountain View, California to host and participate in the meeting. Eleven (11) people attended the training session which also included members that have previously participated in case work and new team members becoming acquainted with our process for the very first time. The team received all brand new equipment and supplies. The training was conducted by Aaron Drake and Eric Vogt.

New Statistics (as of October 31, 2009)

Alcor currently has 906 members on its Emergency Responsibility List. Four (4) memberships were approved during this month, no memberships were reinstated, three (3) memberships were cancelled and no members were cryopreserved. Overall, there was a net gain of one (1) member this month.

Alcor has 69 applicants for membership. Eleven (11) new applicants were added, four (4) applicants were converted to members and no applicants were cancelled resulting in net gain of 7 applicants for this month.

Info Pack
Alcor received 324 info pack requests. Seven (7) were handed out during facility tours or from special request. The average total of 182 info packs sent per month in 2009 is compared to 173 in 2008.

Southern California Transport Team Training & CryoFeast

Saturday and Sunday, December 12 – 13, 2009
This training is free and open to members of any cryonics organization, or anyone with a strong interest in cryonics who would like to join the Southern California Transport Team. Cryopreservations are helped by having local area cryonicists volunteering and working together. Attending a hands-on training session gives you the tools and knowledge on what to do and how to do it.

During training you will get hands on experience with standby stabilization equipment. Aaron Drake, Alcor Transport Coordinator will be instructing the training session.

Whether or not you are interested in volunteering for this cryonicist community, this is an excellent time to learn more about the process of cryopreservation. You will also learn about the stand-by process, what team members do, and how optimal cryopreservation is aided by local community volunteers.

Anyone interested in being on the Southern California Transport Team as a team member should contact: Michael Geisen at .

Alcor CryoFeast 2009
Saturday, December 12, 2009 at 6:00 pm

There will be a CryoFeast following Saturday’s training session. For more information, directions and to RSVP, please contact: Michael Geisen at

Personnel Changes

Alcor is pleased to announce the appointment of Bonnie Magee to the position of Finance Director. Bonnie comes to us with nearly a decade of experience in business audits and reviews. She will utilize her expertise and problem-solving initiative to undertake a wide variety of financial challenges. We would like to thank Sheila Kimbrell for her years of service at Alcor and wish her the best of luck in the future.

Another staff change that has taken place is the departure of Regina Pancake. We would like to express our appreciation for her contributions as Alcor’s Readiness Coordinator since 2007. We wish her well in her future endeavors.

Upcoming Board Meeting

The next Board meeting is scheduled for November 7, 2009, at the Alcor facility (7895 East Acoma Drive in Scottsdale, AZ) at 11:00 AM (PT).

Members and the public are encouraged to attend.


Member Watch
Alcor currently has 8 members on our “watch list”. These individual situations range from pre-operative awareness and post-operative follow-up to monitoring the status of fragile members due to age and/or current medical conditions.