Robert Revitz becomes Alcor’s 127th Patient

Alcor member, Robert Revitz (A-1963) moved to Scottsdale specifically to be close to Alcor after he started his membership in 2002. He attended monthly Board of Director meetings and local meet-ups when he was able. Struggling from congestive heart failure in addition to bone cancer, he was occasionally admitted into local hospitals for respiratory relief. Alcor’s Medical Response Director, Aaron Drake, closely monitored Robert’s health for several months.

In 2014, he fell at home where he fractured his hip and never fully recovered following hip replacement surgery. His primary care physician referred him to hospice-at-home in August as his health declined to the point where he could no longer care for himself. Hospice nurses who were caring for him provided frequent updates and eventually called to say that he had taken a turn for the worse.

Preferring to conduct a standby in a controlled environment rather than an individual’s home, Robert was transferred by ambulance into the same hospital that Alcor typically uses and a standby began. On August 15th, 2014, less than 24 hours after being admitted Robert, a neuro member, was pronounced and became Alcor’s 127th patient.

–Max More

Motherboard article about Alcor

Motherboard has a fairly lengthy article about Alcor:

The Art of Not Dying.”

Update: Now on Wayback Machine.

40 Scholarships Available to Teens & Twenties 6 2015

Written by Cairn Erfreuliche Idun

The Sixth Annual Young Cryonocists Gathering

Teens & Twenties 6 2015

Getting to Know You – Getting to Know Each Other

All While Being Updated on the Latest Research

Fri-Sun:  April 24-26, 2015 Las Vegas, NV

Host:  Life Extension Foundation

Greetings to: All Young Cryonicists

Please follow the link to the full Teens & Twenties packet. You will find your scholarship application and schedule.

All attention will be focused on: our getting to know you and you getting to know each other.

PLUS:  An update on the latest emergency response technologies, revival strategies and research.

Who is Eligible?

Fully signed up young cryonicists from all cryonics organizations in their late teens through age thirty (17-30) as of April 10, 2014 – may apply to attend.

Younger Cryonicists With Parent(s) or Guardian – Thirteen through sixteen year olds may attend when accompanied by their parent(s) or guardian.

Parents/guardians of attendees aged 17-19 are also encouraged to accompany their child. All attending parents will be put in touch with each other should they choose to have their own “get together” during the “young cryonicists” gathering. In Vegas, T2’s under 21 are required to room with someone 21+.

Program: Some individuals are social butterflies. This is not so for everyone and we want everyone to meet everyoneTherefore, I have designed a diverse range of “getting to know you” activities. If you would enjoy participating in these various getting acquainted activities while being updated on the latest research, then this is for you.


Life Extension Foundation, through a generous education grant, is offering 40  scholarships that pay for ALL of the following:

  • U.S. airfare to/from Las Vegas (or up to $1000 for origin outside the U.S.; $1350 for Australia)
  • Hotel accommodations for Friday and Saturday nights (plus Thursday and Sunday for 2T’s who room together)
  • Meals and beverages on Friday night, all day Saturday, and Sunday breakfast and lunch
  • Registration fee – $350 – also covered

Please click on this website for a full packet with details & applications

Cairn Erfreuliche Idun
Founder/Director: T2

P.S.  Come early. Stay late.

Some attendees to T2 enjoy spending extra time in Las Vegas – especially since their flight is already paid for via their scholarship. This is at their own expense for additional lodging and food.

I look forward to getting to know you.

Alcor’s website: A new look

Alcor’s website has a new look!

We wanted to bring the appearance of up to date and make it more appealing. We also wanted to improve engagement with visitors. After a lot of work on the revision by John Bevens and his colleagues at Media Architects, with lots of input from me, and additional input from staff and website volunteers, the site is now public. Please take a look (and let us know if anything seems not to work).

This revision is a major cosmetic facelift. We will follow up with significant changes to the content, designed to help visitors find the information most important to them. We have also added a chat function. In just the first couple of days, this is proving to be a valuable tool for engaging website visitors and answering their questions. Take a look!

–Max More

Ettinger Award given to Saul Kent

The German Society of Applied Biostasis (DGAB) voted to bestow the Ettinger Award on Alcor director Saul Kent in recognition of his long-standing and unwavering commitment to and support of cryonics. The Award is given for outstanding achievements in cryonics and was previously bestowed on Robert Ettinger in 2010. I think the German group made an excellent and well-deserved choice.

Alcor Membership Reaches 1000

On September 24, 2014, Alcor’s membership reached 1000 for the first time.

This is the first time any cryonics organization has had this many members with full financial and contractual arrangements for cryopreservation. (Counting all classes of members, total membership is 1255.)

This represents a tiny fraction of the population of the United States and an even smaller fraction of global population. Alcor and other cryonics organizations have a very long way to go until they have persuaded a substantial portion of the population to make cryonics arrangements. Even so, this is a milestone worth noting and celebrating.

Annual Southern California CryoFeast and networking event

Please join us to kick off the holiday season with other Southern California Cryonicists, life extensionists, futurists, longevity and health enthusiasts.

This is an opportunity for you to meet up with old friends, make some new ones and you might even meet the perfect person to collaborate with on a project you’ve been thinking about or working on. We hope you can join us to start off the holiday season with a bang and we look forward to seeing you!

Date:             Saturday November 15th
Time:            5:00 PM to 9:30 PM
Location:      The Colony across from Fashion Island
                        (inside the Clubhouse)
                        5000 Colony Plaza Newport Beach, CA

This event will be a POT LUCK so please bring a dish and something you’d like to drink. Try to bring a tasty but healthy dish (and if you bring something that needs to be heated, no problem, we have an oven to warm it up).

You’re welcome to bring GUESTS….the more the merrier! Please ask each person to bring a dish and something they wish to drink. Please RSVP for each so we know how many guests to expect! There is a guard gate. Tell the attendant that you are coming to the party in the clubhouse and if your name is on the list they’ll let you and your party in (make sure you RSVP with your name and those in your party so they maybe added to the list.)

Please call Kat Cotter at 310-528-6712 if you have any questions.

On the day of the event, call Dave Kekich at 213-528-6712 if you need help finding the party.

Hope to see you there!               


Alternative Funding Methods Introduced

Until now, Alcor has accepted only highly-assured means of payment such as life insurance, trusts, or prepayment for cryopreservation minimums. We will accept, on a limited basis, alternative funding methods. Here is the proposal that was passed at the September 13, 2014 board meeting:

On an individual basis, Alcor will accept partial payment for cryopreservation from alternative funding methods such as real estate, 401(k) plans, and bequests at a 50% discount from net assets in order to allow for risk. These alternative payment methods may be used only up to a maximum of 50% of current cryopreservation minimums. Acceptance of alternative funding methods in any individual case is subject to review by Alcor and will be approved, if at all, only after checking for possible conflicting claims, after attempting to verify the current value of assets, and while putting in place regular checks on future value.

Overseas Surcharges Reduced

Until now, Alcor has added surcharges for the cryopreservation minimum for members outside the USA and Canada to compensate for higher response and transport costs. After reevaluating these costs – and despite a recent commitment to providing a higher level of response – Alcor is reducing these surcharges. The former surcharges were $15,000 for the UK and $25,000 for other countries. The new, universal surcharge is $10,000.

CMS Waiver passed at the 2014 Annual Meeting saves many members $180 per year

The Comprehensive Member Standby (CMS) fund enables Alcor to provide standby, stabilization, and transport services to all members in the United States and Canada. This is a critical part of the cryopreservation process. See:

The CMS has been funded by a fee of $180 per year. At the September 13, 2014 board meeting, the Board unanimously voted in favor of the president’s proposal to waive the CMS fee for all members who have at least $20,000 in funding above current cryopreservation minimums.

Here is the motion that passed:

This is a Motion to create a new, optional CMS (Comprehensive Member Standby) payment mechanism:

1) Alcor will make available a new option on Attachment 1 to the Cryopreservation Agreement that will allow members to meet their obligation to make regular CMS payments by increasing their cryopreservation funding.

2) If a member selects this new option:

a) The member’s cryopreservation funding minimum will be increased by $20,000.

b) The member will not be required to pay regular CMS fees.

c)  Upon the member’s cryopreservation an additional $20,000 will be paid from their cryopreservation fund to the CMS Fund.

3) Any member whose funding meets Alcor’s current minimum requirements (including all applicable surcharges) can revise their membership agreement and select this new option at any time they so choose.

4) Following a 90 day reconsideration period, a member’s selection of this new option cannot be reversed and will become permanent.

5) Existing allocations to CMS are unchanged, as are other allocations to other funds, and all other fees and payments.

6. The board will review the impact of this motion annually to determine if any further changes are needed.