Cryonics 1st Quarter 2011

The 2011 1st quarter issue of Cryonics magazine introduces the cryonics company Suspended Animation and informs Alcor members about how they can arrange for a Suspended Animation-controlled standby. Cryonics  Institute President Ben Best contributes an article on deficiencies in the SENS approach to rejuvenation, and editor Aschwin de Wolf reviews a recent collection of interventive biogerontology articles. This issue also features the first quarterly CEO report from Max More and the beginning of quarterly readiness updates.

Read the latest issue on the Cryonics magazine website.

Subscribe to the Cryonics magazine feed or join Alcor’s Facebook page for web exclusives, tech news, and Cryonics classics.

Next Alcor Board of Directors Meeting

The next Alcor Board of Directors meeting is scheduled for Saturday, March 12, 2011, at the Alcor facility (7895 East Acoma Drive in Scottsdale, AZ) at 11:00 A.M. (MT). Members and the public are encouraged to attend.

Member Communications Director

A new position called the Member Communications Director (MCD) has opened at Alcor.

The Member Communications Director’s job will be to communicate with Alcor’s members by email, by telephone, and in person for multiple purposes, among which are:

1. To find out more about the member, including such information as the member’s health condition, occupation, work background, interests, family, and aspirations.

2. To determine whether the member wishes to engage in volunteer activities on behalf of Alcor and, if the member wishes to do so, to provide the member with a variety of ways in which the member can volunteer.

3. To answer the member’s questions about Alcor.

4. To determine whether the member has left assets to be distributed to Alcor after death via a will, trust, or other document. If the member has done so, the MCD will offer to evaluate, in cooperation with attorneys of Alcor’s choosing, whether the legal documents in which the bequest has been made have been executed in a manner that will do the job effectively and, if not, to help correct them.

5. To determine the member’s general degree of wealth and whether the member has any interest in donating money (or other assets) or in leaving a bequest to Alcor. If the member is interested in making a donation, the MCD will provide the member with a variety of projects that need funding via tax-exempt donations.  If the member is interested in making a bequest, the MCD will offer, in cooperation with attorneys of Alcor’s choosing, to help the member in executing a will, trust, or other legal document to accomplish the bequest with attorneys of Alcor’s choosing if it is appropriate to do so.


The MCD should be an Alcor member who is (or becomes) knowledgeable about Alcor and issues in cryonics, is articulate in talking to members, and is sensitive enough to know when to push forward when members make it clear that they want to help Alcor or want help from Alcor. The MCD should also be able, in cooperation with others of Alcor’s choosing, to prepare written information to help answer questions asked by members.


The salary for the MCD is $60K plus benefits per year. This salary plus relocation expenses has been guaranteed for one year by the Life Extension Foundation (LEF). After one year, the Member Communication Director’s continued employment at Alcor will be dependent upon his or her job performance.

Applications for the Member Communications Director should be mailed to D’Bora Tarrant at Alcor Life Extension Foundation, 7895 Acoma Drive, Suite 110, Scottsdale, Arizona 85260 or (b) be sent by email to D’Bora Tarrant at: .

New Cryonics Magazine Website and Paper Subscriptions

During the last two years Alcor has made great efforts to return to its regular publishing schedule. We are pleased to announce that Cryonics magazine is back on schedule with the launch of a new Cryonics magazine website at

The new Cryonics magazine website will publish the latest issue of the magazine, featured articles and web exclusives. Mike’s Perry’s Tech News will continue as an online feature on the website to allow us to report any technical news items that are relevant to the science and practice of cryonics shortly after we learn about them. For our new magazine website we are actively soliciting contributions from our members and interesting writers.

We want Cryonics magazine to be a publication that appeals to our members and the general public, and to achieve this objective we have formed an Editorial Board who works with the Editor, Aschwin de Wolf, to ensure the quality of our publication and a wide diversity of perspectives. Our vision of the magazine is one in which there is a place for constructive debate, disagreement, and polite dissent. You will also see renewed efforts to keep our membership informed about what is going on at Alcor, including periodic updates about our standby capabilities and technological progress.

We understand that some of our members and subscribers prefer paper copies of individual issues or would like to subscribe to the print-on-demand edition of the magazine. Our new magazine website offers all the information you need to purchase individual copies or to start an Alcor-administered subscription to the magazine.

Alcor also recognizes that many members would like to see more interaction between members and between members and Alcor officials. The Alcor Facebook page allows you to comment on Alcor News items and magazine articles and the Alcor Website Working Group is building a new forum where Alcor members can discuss issues concerning Alcor and cryonics.

The 2nd Annual Young Cryonicists Gathering

Teens & Twenties 2011: Getting to know each other seminar.

This cryonics focus group seminar hosted by Bill Faloon and Carin Idun will be held on Thursday, May 19 and Friday, May 20, 2011, in Fort Lauderdale, Florida.  Invitations were mailed to CI and Alcor members ages 13-29.

The purpose of the young cryonicists’ seminars is to develop a continuing social network of like-minded individuals who otherwise might not have the opportunity to meet in person.  This gathering is open to young cryonicists from all cryonics organizations. Registered participants will also enjoy the opportunity to attend the Suspended Animation conference. You must be registered IN ADVANCE to attend.

Application forms can be requested from Kathy Markell (954) 202-7702

More information on the Facebook event page here.

Suspended Animation Conference 2011

Can you imagine the future?  When we’ll travel to other stars. Have super-intelligent computers.  Robot servants.  And nanomachines that keep us young and healthy for centuries!  Will you live long enough to experience all this?

“Unlikely,” you say?  Not necessarily.  Suspended Animation can be your bridge to the advances of the future. The technology is here today to have you cryopreserved for future reanimation.  To enable you to engage in time travel to the spectacular advances of the future.

This technology is far from perfect now.  But it is good enough to give you a chance at unlimited life and prosperity.  Remarkable advances in cryopreservation have already been achieved. Millions of dollars are being spent to achieve perfected suspended animation and new technologies to revive time travelers in the future.

You can learn all about these technologies at a conference in South Florida on May 20-22, 2011.  At this conference, the foremost authorities in human cryopreservation and future reanimation will convene at the Hyatt Regency Pier 66 Resort and Spa in Ft. Lauderdale.  They will inform you about pathbreaking research advances that could make your most exciting dreams come true.

This conference is being sponsored by Suspended Animation, Inc. (SA), a company in Boynton Beach, Florida where advanced human cryopreservation equipment and services are being developed. After you’ve been enlightened by imagination-stretching presentations about today’s scientifically credible technologies and the projected advances of tomorrow at the Hyatt Regency, you’ll be transported to SA’s extraordinary laboratory where you will be able to see some of these technologies for yourself.

This link gives you special access to a downloadable brochure, as well as registration options, so you can get all the details of this remarkable conference that will enable you to obtain the information you need to give yourself the opportunity of a lifetime!

Visit the conference webpage at

Catherine Baldwin

General Manager
Suspended Animation, Inc.

Membership Dues and CMS Charges to Increase in 2011

As we approach 2011, we would like to take this opportunity to thank our valued members for their steadfast support over the past year.  Many members have helped the organization by making donations, volunteering, hosting gatherings to educate others about cryonics, or simply talking to friends and family members about Alcor’s mission.  Thank you, to all our supporters, for your contributions over the past year.

Although being an active Alcor member means more than just paying membership dues once a year, dues contributions are a fundamental source of financial strength for the organization.  In an effort to ensure cryonics is affordable for as many people as possible, last year Alcor approved the first dues increase in a decade.  Even with this increase, Alcor’s dues were only $30 a year greater in 2010 than they were in 1992 adjusted for inflation. While we wish we could continue these low rates indefinitely, higher costs and expiring grant support have made an increase necessary.

Alcor is continuing efforts to eliminate structural deficits that have historically made it dependent upon irregular bequests, donations, and grants.  At Alcor’s annual Strategic Meeting in September, budgets for 2011 and 2012 were studied in depth.  With the impending expiration of a portion of the generous and extremely helpful grant from the Miller/LEF/Thorp donor coalition that Alcor had been receiving for the past three years, Alcor was facing a $400,000 deficit if no action were taken.  To close the gap, the following measures were taken, some of which were begun the previous year:

  • Increase dues, CMS, and application fees
  • Reduce transactional charges
  • Switch to an electronic magazine
  • Buy out leases (phone, copier, etc.)
  • Reduce or eliminate service fees (janitorial, teleconferencing, etc.)
  • Eliminate discounts and retainers for regional emergency response team members
  • Reduce supply purchases
  • Collect additional media income
  • Draw on the CMS fund to support some salaries as standby readiness expenses

With these measures, we are pleased to report that the projected deficit has been eliminated for 2011 and 2012, and the capacity of Alcor to operate for the indefinite future with reduced dependence upon extraordinary income has been enhanced.  The new fee schedule effective as of January 1, 2011, is below.  The fee increase for primary family members will be around $200 per year, and we continue to honor all standard discounts for additional family members, students and minors.

Regular adult members (CMS applies for members in the continental US and Canada):
Annually $ 620 $ 180 $ 800
Quarterly $ 156 $  45 $ 201
Monthly $  53 $  15 $ 68
Family members and full-time students (CMS applies for students over age 25):
Annually $ 310 $ 180 $ 490
Quarterly $  78 $  45 $ 123
Monthly $  26 $  15 $  41
Minor family members:
Annually $ 155 $ 0 $ 155
Quarterly $  39 $ 0 $  39
Monthly $  13 $ 0 $  13

Alcor Life Extension Foundation Names Max More, PhD, as Chief Executive Officer

Scottsdale, Arizona – December 23, 2010 – The Board of Directors of Alcor Life Extension Foundation today announced that Dr. Max More, 46, has been named Chief Executive Officer effective Jan 1, 2011. The new executive appointment follows the decision of Alcor Executive Director and President Jennifer Chapman to step down. After 10 years of dedicated service, she plans to pursue her law degree full-time and feels this will put her in a better position for Alcor’s long-term benefit. Since starting her career at Alcor in 2000, Jennifer’s demonstrated abilities resulted in her rise to the leadership role. She has made important contributions to nearly every aspect of Alcor operations over the past decade. The Alcor Board and staff thank her, and wish her well in her future endeavors.

An internationally recognized advocate of the effective and ethical use of technology for life extension and cryopreservation, Dr. More brings experience in running non-profit organizations, many years of analyzing and writing about business organizations, and a long commitment to Alcor’s mission. More joined Alcor in 1986 as its 67th member, founded Alcor-UK (originally Mizar Limited) in the same year, and has participated in several cryopreservations. He has spoken on cryonics and life extension at numerous conferences and in many national and international media, including a Crossfire debate shortly after the cryopreservation of baseball legend Ted Williams.

“Max brings a quarter century of experience in and commitment to cryopreservation, life extension, and improving the future,” said Alcor director Tim Shavers, “and has earned a reputation for both practical and principled leadership and bold thinking. Crucially, he shares our vision of Alcor’s mission and understands the organization’s past and its challenges and opportunities. His extensive knowledge of our operations, goals, and needs makes him the ideal choice to lead Alcor as CEO,” said Shavers.

More built Extropy Institute, an educational non-profit organization that created the modern “transhumanist” movement, whose goals centrally include extending healthy human life span. More organized and chaired five successful conferences and, along with Ray Kurzweil, was the keynote speaker at an online summit that lead to the development of the “Proactionary Principle”, and was editor-in-chief of the pioneering publication, Extropy: The Journal of Transhumanist Thought. More’s advocacy of cryonics dates to several years before he became an Alcor cryopreservation member in 1986 while a student at England’s Oxford University. His commitment was reflected academically in his doctoral dissertation, a chapter of which argued for a reconceptualization of death according to which cryopreserved patients are neither fully alive nor dead but in a third state.

“I am honored to assume the leadership of Alcor and to continue the legacy of commitment to maintaining Alcor’s patients in cryopreservation while growing the organization and improving our technological capabilities,” said More. “Since I joined, Alcor has grown from 67 members to around 930, and its patients from 6 to 100. I am thrilled to work with Alcor’s Board, with its broad and deep expertise, to continue and accelerate that growth while keeping a primary focus on protecting our existing patients. I am also committed to strengthening the stability of the organization to better endure over the coming decades and to continuing to raise the level of our medical professionalism and business practices.”

About the Alcor Life Extension Foundation

Alcor Life Extension Foundation is a not-for-profit research organization founded in 1972. Alcor is the world leader in cryonics, and cryonics technology. Cryonics is the science of using ultra-cold temperatures to cryopreserve humans. The intent is that advanced scientific procedures may one day be able to revive cryopreserved humans and restore them to good health. Alcor performed its first human cryopreservation in 1976, and has engaged in long-term care of cryopreserved members in its state-of-the-art facility since then.

Among the scientific achievements of Alcor is the use of advanced cryoprotectant formulas capable of vitrification. Vitrification enables cryopreservation to take place without the damage that occurs in freezing tissue. Alcor has published papers in scientific journals documenting the quality of tissue preservation possible with its procedures, and the effects of clinical death on the brain. Alcor also sponsors research in the field of nanomedicine, a technology that may someday be used to revive cryopreserved patients.

Alcor is overseen by a Board of Directors consisting of successful and well-regarded scientists, physicians, attorneys, and other professionals. Alcor also has a group of scientific advisors, who are leaders in the fields of medical research, nanotechnology, and
computer science.

Alcor has about 930 members and 100 cryopreserved patients. The public is welcome to attend regularly scheduled tours of the Alcor facility in Scottsdale, Arizona. For more information about Alcor and cryonics, visit

Cryonics Magazine Goes Digital

Cryonics Magazine has been a staple of the Alcor Foundation for decades. We hope our readers find it a compelling source of information about topics of interest, such as how to optimize your cryopreservation arrangements, recent happenings at Alcor, issues facing the field of cryonics, relevant sciences, and more. While Alcor has no plans to stop producing Cryonics Magazine, we have gone digital in our distribution.

Alcor will no longer distribute printed copies of Cryonics Magazine. However, we will continue to offer each issue free of charge electronically on the Alcor website. An electronic magazine has the advantage of being available for viewing at the convenience of anyone with a computer, while costing significantly less for Alcor at a time when proactive budget balancing is a high priority.

We understand that sometimes our readers may want a printed copy of the magazine. As a result, we are making arrangements with an online print-on-demand service, where our readers can request a printed copy of any future issue of the magazine for shipping to a designated address. This is a good way to continue your own collection of Cryonics Magazine or affordably inform others about Alcor. Whether you want a single copy or multiple copies, we encourage you to use the print-on-demand option, when it becomes available. Each issue will only cost $9.95 plus shipping.

To view the 1st and 2nd quarter 2010 issue of Cryonics Magazine, and all past issues, simply go to:

In the coming weeks, we will announce instructions regarding how to request printed copies of Cryonics Magazine, whether for yourself, your friends, or a family member. If you have any questions, simply call us at the below toll-free number:

D’Bora Tarrant, Front Office Administrator
877-462-5267 x 101

Alcor Gratefully Receives Large Bequest

Alcor has received seven million dollars following final settlement of the estate of a confidential member who was cryopreserved several years ago. The bequest will be divided equally between Alcor’s Patient Care Trust and a new Endowment Fund to be created with a maximum legally allowed annual distribution of 2% per year.

This will double the value of the Patient Care Trust to approximately $7 million, increasing the security of all 100 patients in Alcor’s care. The Patient Care Trust is devoted solely to funding the ongoing biostasis of Alcor’s patients and their eventual revival and reintegration into society when the medical technology to restore them to full health is developed.

Since the new Endowment Fund has not yet been established, the funds earmarked for it will be kept in a segregated account that follows the 2% distribution rule until the Endowment is ready. The choice of a 2% annual distribution was made following extensive discussions among the Alcor Board and respected financial advisors in the Alcor community. The consensus was that a 2% annual distribution is consistent with compounded growth in fund principal over a multi-decade time frame and would best serve Alcor’s long term interests.

This is a marked departure from past Alcor practice, which has been to place windfalls into either the Alcor general or reserve fund accounts.  The funds would then be gradually depleted to cover operating deficits, with the hope that an additional windfall would arrive prior to the depletion of funds. Alcor is instead now seeking to eliminate structural operating deficits so that it is no longer dependent upon these unpredictable events. Consequently, this bequest will not make a large difference in Alcor’s budget next year:  it will only contribute an extra $70,000. While $70,000 will help close next year’s deficit, it must be combined with other difficult measures. In the longer term, however, this financial discipline will make Alcor a healthier and more robust organization.

Alcor members are encouraged to remember Alcor in their estate planning.  Bequests have historically played a large role in the growth and stability of Alcor. The establishment and seeding of a new Endowment with legally-limited withdrawals will provide an avenue whereby members can be confident their contribution will make a long-term difference to the stability and well being of the organization upon whose survival all of our lives depend.