Reminder: Upcoming Conferences

The 2nd Annual Young Cryonicists Gathering
Thursday, May 19 and Friday, May 20, 2011
Fort Lauderdale, Florida
Teens & Twenties 2011: Getting to know each other seminar. This cryonics focus group seminar hosted by Bill Faloon and Carin Idun will be held on Thursday, May 19 and Friday, May 20, 2011, in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. Invitations were mailed to Alcor and CI members ages 13-29. The purpose of the young cryonicists’ seminars is to develop a continuing social network of like-minded individuals who otherwise might not have the opportunity to meet in person. For more information please send an e-mail to .

Suspended Animation Conference: The Company and the Goal
May 20-22, 2011
Hyatt Regency Pier 66 Resort and Spa
2301 S.E. 17th St., Ft. Lauderdale, Florida
The conference will feature speakers on the latest strategies and advances toward perfecting reversible human suspended animation. Friday May 20 will feature an evening reception. Saturday May 21 will feature the main speaker lineup, which will also be available via free webcast (requires registration). For more information, see the Suspended Animation website.

The Next Alcor Board Meeting

The next Alcor Board Meeting is scheduled for Saturday, June 4, 2011, at 11:00 AM (PDT). Board meetings are typically held on the first Saturday of the month. The meeting is at the Alcor facility (7895 East Acoma Drive in Scottsdale, AZ). Members and the public are encouraged to attend.

Readiness & Transport Report

Dewar Manufacturing Progress Report
We are pleased to report that the first of three new bigfoot dewars has been completed, fully tested and is ready to be shipped to Alcor. This means that we should expect to have our newest dewar on site within 2-3 weeks.

Team Training
The Arizona team is planning a scenario based training day on Saturday, June 25, 2011.  This will be a follow-up to the previous classroom training session held earlier this year in March.

 Alcor’s Member Watch List
Alcor is closely watching a member who has been accepted into hospice-at-home. As several members of the family are signed up with Alcor, we appear to have a great deal of support and cooperation.

Alcor’s Member Watch-List has been growing in the past few weeks.  Members who have recently been diagnosed with cancer have contacted Alcor with the news and we are taking a proactive position with respect to monitoring the changes in their health.  This Watch-List has been an invaluable tool to track member’s health status in one easily accessible resource.

Administrative Report

As of April 30, 2011

Membership Statistics
Alcor had 943 members on its Emergency Responsibility List.  Ten memberships were approved during this month, no memberships were reinstated, two memberships were cancelled and no members were cryopreserved.  Overall, there was a net gain of eight members for April.

Applicant Statistics
Alcor had 46 applicants for membership. Six new applicants were added, 10 applicants were converted to members and 2 applicants were cancelled resulting in net loss of 6 applicants for April.

Information Packet Statistics
Alcor received 111 info pack requests in April. Fifteen were handed out during facility tours or from special request.  The average total of 127 info packs sent per month in 2011 compares to 199 in 2010.

Printable Information Packet Online

Alcor’s information packet is now instantly available for people who are thinking about becoming an Alcor member or for people who would like to receive more information about cryonics. It is available in three different ways: (1) to view online; or (2) to download, print, and save for future use; or (3) to request a packet by mail.

The information package consists of the following items:

Please visit  to obtain your free information package now!

The World Future Society – AZ Chapter

Alcor Facility Tour – Thursday, April 21, 2011
The Arizona Futurists Society is scheduled to tour our facility on April 21, 2011.  Due to limited space in our conference room we are only able accommodate 20 people from this group. The Arizona Futurists Chapter of the World Future Society is a community of thinkers, strategists and communicators interested in looking forward to the future.

Objective of the AZ Futurists Chapter

  • Share information about the Futures Community with the Local Community.
  • Expand open forum, discussion and awareness of the future and importance of its study.
  • Advance serious and responsible investigation of the future — global, national, and regional.
  • Promote futures studies methods/approaches/theories.
  • Facilitate communication and cooperation among organizations and individuals interested in studying or planning for the future.


Next Alcor Board of Directors Meeting

The next Alcor Board of Directors meeting is scheduled for FRIDAY, April 29, 2011, at 11:00 A.M. (PDT) at the Alcor facility (7895 East Acoma Drive in Scottsdale, AZ) . Members and the public are encouraged to attend.

Readiness and Transport

Recent Team Training 
The Scottsdale team held a one day training session. There were sixteen people in attendance which included four Alcor staff members. The Arizona team training sessions are different from that of regional teams due to the availability of Alcor’s rescue vehicle, and the use of different equipment and supplies.

Upcoming Team Training  
The next team training is scheduled for the Pacific Northwest Team on Friday, May 6th & Saturday, May 7th, in Portland, Oregon. The times and location will be announced shortly.  The team leader for this group is Aschwin de Wolf.

Alcor Statistics

As of March 31, 2011

Alcor had 935 members on its Emergency Responsibility List. Eight memberships were approved during this month, no memberships were reinstated, four memberships were cancelled and one member was cryopreserved. Overall, there was a net gain of three members this month.

Alcor had 52 applicants for membership. Six new applicants were added, eight applicants were converted to members and no applicants were cancelled resulting in net loss of two applicants for this month.

Information Packets
Alcor received 109 info pack requests this month. Eleven were handed out during facility tours or from special request. The average total of 132 info packs sent per month in 2011 as compared to 199 in 2010.

Upcoming Alcor Board of Directors Meeting

 The next Alcor Board of Directors meeting is scheduled for Saturday, April 2, 2011, at the Alcor facility (7895 East Acoma Drive in Scottsdale, AZ) at 11:00 A.M. (PDT). Members and the public are encouraged to attend.