Administrative Report (July 2011)

Membership Statistics
Alcor had 955 members on its Emergency Responsibility List.  Ten memberships were approved, no memberships were reinstated, three memberships were cancelled and no members were cryopreserved.  Overall, there was a net gain of seven members in July.

Applicant Statistics
Alcor had 43 applicants for membership.  Ten new applicants were added, ten applicants were converted to members and one applicant was cancelled resulting in net a loss of one applicant in July.

Information Packet Statistics
Alcor received 75 info pack requests in July. Eleven were handed out during facility tours or from special request.  The average total of 114 info packs sent per month in 2011 compares to 199 in 2010. The full Information Packet is now available online.

Cryonicists on “Can We Live Forever?”

On Wednesday, July 27th, 2011, a particularly interesting episode of “Through the Wormhole with Morgan Freeman” (Season 2) will air on The Discovery Science Channel at 10 pm ET/PT. The title of the program is “Can We Live Forever?”, and the show will feature not only biological approaches such as Alcor Scientific Advisory Board member Aubrey de Grey’s contribution and possibilities involving regeneration and DNA repair but also unusual approaches that include the possibility of uploading and even the possibility that people today might survive as vitrified brains with intact “connectomes” that can be either revived or uploaded in the future. For the latter topic, the crew visited 21st Century Medicine and interviewed Greg Fahy and filmed procedures in 21CM’s kidney and brain slice labs.

Case Summaries: A-1408 and A-2357

This past quarter, Alcor cryopreserved two of its members. The first member, A-1408, lived just north of the Tampa, FL area.  Alcor team members initiated a standby at the hospital for three days during the time the individual was listed as critical and medical providers anticipated that he might stop breathing.  The member stabilized and Alcor ended the standby while continuing to monitor the patient’s condition remotely.  When his medical condition deteriorated again, Alcor was on the verge of initiating a standby for another member and therefore decided to request Suspended Animation to provide the standby this time.

On the afternoon of the fourth day of the standby (May 26, 2011), the member was pronounced, stabilized and cooled on-site, followed by a field washout.  The transport commenced the next morning by commercial airlines and the patient was brought to Alcor with the surgical team at the ready.  After the neuro cryopreservation ensued, member A-1408 became Alcor’s 105th patient.

Alcor’s Arizona response team provided standby services twice at the home of A-2357 on the west side of the Phoenix valley, approximately 50 miles from Alcor in Scottsdale.  The first standby lasted six days before the member’s condition improved enough for the team to stand down.  While continuing to monitor the individual’s health through a very supportive hospice organization, the attending physician determined that it was time to restart the standby just a mere two weeks later.  On the second day of the standby, despite relatively strong vital signs, the member’s breathing became weaker until he finally just ceased to take a breath. The patient was pronounced on June 17, 2011.

At the prior request of the hospice physician, both she and a hospice nurse assisted Aaron Drake and Steve Graber in administering the medications, cooling and preparing the patient for transport.  They both followed the rescue vehicle back to Alcor so they could observe the procedure and see the facilities.  Being impressed with the overall process, the physician expressed the desire to provide services for future Alcor members.  This new relationship, along with the existing hospice that we have used in the past, will provide us with a stronger network of hospice options in the greater Phoenix area.  A-2357 is now Alcor’s 106th patient, being cared for as a neurocryopreservation patient.

Transport and Readiness Update

The Financial Times, based out of the U.K., ran a story in their ongoing series titled “The Job” where they focus on interesting and unique jobs around the globe. The journalist, Rhymer Rigby, takes readers through a variety of jobs in world industry to show some of the people behind the headlines. This month the article focused on the role of Alcor’s Medical Response Director, Aaron Drake.


Watch List
Alcor is currently monitoring 10 members with moderate to severe health conditions.  Of these, seven have some form of cancer, two have respiratory problems and one has advanced ALS (Lou Gehrig’s Disease).

Administrative Report (June 2011)

Membership Statistics
Alcor had 948 members on its Emergency Responsibility List.  Six memberships were approved, no memberships were reinstated, two memberships were cancelled and one member was cryopreserved.  Overall, there was a net gain of three members in June.

Applicant Statistics
Alcor had 44 applicants for membership.  Four new applicants were added, six applicants were converted to members and two applicants were cancelled resulting in net a loss of four applicants in June.

Information Packet Statistics
Alcor received 131 info pack requests in June. Seven were handed out during facility tours or from special request.  The average total of 120 info packs sent per month in 2011 compares to 199 in 2010. The full Information Packet is now available online.

Next Alcor Board of Directors Meeting

The next Board of Directors meeting is scheduled for Saturday, August 6, 2011 at 11:00 AM (PDT). The meeting is at the Alcor facility (7895 East Acoma Drive in Scottsdale, AZ). Members and the public are encouraged to attend.

Cryonics Magazine 2nd Quarter 2011 Now Online

Alcor is pleased to announce that the 2nd Quarter 2011 Cryonics Magazine is now available for viewing, purchasing and downloading.

Just because we no longer mail out physical copies of Cryonics magazine (except by special arrangement), you shouldn’t miss on what’s going on at Alcor and in cryonics. In the 2nd Quarter 2011 issue, the CEO Update discusses the dangers of flawed perfectionism, then describes recent upgrades and advances at Alcor, member privacy, documentation, talks, building improvements, and boosting growth through communication.

In his recent talk at the Suspended Animation conference, Alcor director Brian Wowk surveyed the alternatives for achieving solid state suspended animation. Apart from the currently preferred method of vitrification, these include freezing, high pressures to alter how freezing proceeds, freezing in the presence of electromagnetic fields, using clathrates (a strange kind of ice), chemopreservation. The last of these options is explored in this issue by Alcor member Kenneth Hayworth, Ph.D., who writes about the Brain Preservation Foundation and the Brain Preservation Technology Prize. The Prize aims to encourage researchers to develop chemical or cryobiological methods to preserve the precise pattern of synaptic connectivity in the brain. Alcor staff member Michael Perry, Ph.D., expresses Alcor’s support for this project and also outlines Alcor’s own perspective.

Also in this issue: rejuvenation advocate Aubrey de Grey, Ph.D., responds to Ben Best’s
critical assessment of SENS (published in the 1st Quarter issue); Mike Perry reviews Global Catastrophic Risks; and there’s a member profile of long-serving staff member Hugh Hixon.

Cryonics magazine is also available as a paper magazine. Individual issues cost $9.95 plus shipping.  They can be ordered at MagCloud.  A subscription to the paper edition of Cryonics magazine is also available. If you live in the United States, a subscription for one year costs $39, two years $69, three years $99 (including shipping). If you live in another country, a subscription for one year costs $99, two years $179, three years $239 (including shipping). Start your subscriptions to the paper edition TODAY!

CEO Update

By Max More

Perfection. The greatest seduction. And the enemy of progress in cryonics.

For the dullest among us, perfection may take the form of a simple vision: perhaps an other-worldly realm where there is no struggle, no suffering, no conflict, only immaculate submission to a perfect higher power. (In a variation of the same vision, this might include the provision of numerous virgins, apparently without will or rights of their own.) Or perhaps it takes the form of a different kind of higher power: a worldly power—whether an embodiment of the people’s will (as classically exemplified in Hegel’s and Marx’s view of the State) or of the “pure race” or some other seductive fantasy. For the more intellectually sophisticated, it frequently takes the form of certainty in our own knowledge of what is right and correct and proper and rational, accompanied by a sure belief that everyone else is obviously a moron, or a dupe, or evil.

Perfectionist thinking of this kind entails rejecting tradeoffs. It involves fixating on a vision (sometimes arbitrary or ungrounded) of how things ideally ought to be while ignoring the costs of attempting to reach that ideal. Outside of pure mathematics and logic, perfection is not attainable in the real world. Even the flawless achievement of one goal means giving up another goal of inferior but substantial value (the economists’ concept of “opportunity cost”). And achieving some aspects of a desired goal will mean giving up others. You may want a car that gets excellent gas mileage, but that will probably mean giving up the level of performance you hoped for. You may want to delay having children until you’ve accumulated more wealth and experience, but your fertility level may decline.

Tradeoffs clearly exist in cryonics, although you wouldn’t know it by listening to most critics. We would all like cryonics to be perfect, but we know that gains come at a cost. We would like the costs of membership dues and cryopreservation charges to be lower. We would like the quality of cryopreservations to be higher. We would like everything to be run by medical professionals at low cost and with total commitment. We would like to be certain that a new employee of a cryonic organization will not lie and steal and betray us.

Think about cryonics for a little while and you will quickly compile a list of tradeoffs. For instance: better cryoprotectants such as M-22 cost more compared to cheaper glycerol; charter jets or air ambulances for fast transport of patients use up money that could be devoted to patient care or research or supporting operations; more money going into the patient care trust fund to strengthen it means less for continuing operations; rapid access to major blood vessels in transport causes damage but may reduce ischemic time.

Some particularly vicious critics use perfectionist thinking (either honestly-but-foolishly or dishonestly) to attack our fees while simultaneously blasting us for using imperfect equipment and for not being fully staffed with extremely expensive medical professionals. They pretend to want to perfect cryonics by adding more government regulation, when they know that the additional regulatory burdens could destroy cryonics organizations. We already comply with numerous regulations, including OSHA and workplace regulations, local regulations, shipping regulations, and so on.

The way these critics brandish perfectionism is similar to the way critics of technological progress and economic growth wield the “precautionary principle”. The precautionary principle commands us, in essence, not to allow the introduction of any new technology or productive method unless you can prove that it is perfectly safe. This principle – unlike my alternative Proactionary Principle – turns a blind eye to tradeoffs while raising safety to the level of an absolute value. []

Critiquing the pernicious effects of perfectionism should not be an excuse to languish in current conditions. Every tradeoff should be probed in an effort to overcome its terms. Any particular tradeoff may be based on an assumption that no longer holds. Factors that were once fixed may become uncoupled due to new technologies, techniques, and organization. Institutions take on a life of their own. Assumptions based in current reality can get baked into the organizational culture. When conditions change, hardened assumptions may remain, the people in the organization being blind to how tradeoffs have shifted.

I’m still quite new at the helm of Alcor, so I may be able to root out and challenge assumptions about tradeoffs that no longer apply. As time goes on, I may become increasingly vulnerable to “hardening of the orthodoxies”. No perfect solution to this exists. However, as a pancritical rationalist in both philosophy and personality, I remain open to alternative views and outside inputs.

So, yes, it’s important – no, crucial – to challenge assumptions behind tradeoffs. But neither can the real factors behind tradeoffs be ignored. That only leads to demoralization and even disaster. Relentless criticism of current cryonics practice, based in a standard of impossible perfectionism, is more likely to lead to despair than to improvement. The best alternative to perfectionism is continual improvement, or what the Japanese call kaizen. My commitment to all Alcor members for as long as I’m here, is cryo-kaizen. We will never achieve perfection, but we will continually improve, learn from mistakes, improve our technology, our processes, and our organization.

Member privacy: We hope to see you at the Suspended Animation conference in May, in which Alcor will be participating. You should have received a brochure in the mail on the event. One member asked how she came to receive a brochure since she had not given SA her mailing address. In case anyone else is wondering the same, please note that Alcor did not and will not give out member names and mailing addresses to other organizations. SA sent us the brochures and we mailed them out (a mailing paid for by SA)

Upgrades: We continue to build up Alcor’s capabilities. Top of my priority list for upgraded capabilities are standbys and personnel capable of carrying out cryoprotective perfusion. Our primary post-transport perfusionist, Hugh Hixon, has been the only person who fully understood the operation of our custom-built perfusion equipment. That has left us vulnerable in the event of his illness, absence (not a common occurrence), or – goodness forbid – his own cryopreservation. My thanks to Hugh for agreeing to train two people to bring up their existing knowledge and skills to the level needed to take over if necessary. Even if Hugh stays around for many years to come, it would be good to free him from some activities to preserve his time and energy for the numerous other projects only he is able to pursue.

I have also been dissatisfied with the number of people who we can reliably call on for remote standbys. While we have local teams with people of varying levels of training and experience, it has only been Aaron Drake and Steve Graber who have gone out from Alcor Central on standbys. We have already added two additional people to the Scottsdale-based standby team, and will continue to add to that number.

Earlier in this update, I emphasized the reality of tradeoffs. I also noted that, sometimes, existing tradeoffs can be overcome. Happily, we have recently improved our capabilities (or are about to) while also saving money. For instance: Thanks primarily to Steve Graber and Randal Fry we have a newly-designed portable ice bath that (unlike the previous one) is within both size and weight limits for commercial flights, saving us a substantial amount of money over time. We’ve also purchased a dozen drug pumps for use in the field at a 90% discount (thanks Aaron!), which make it easier to administer a couple of meds that cannot be given all at once.

Many of you will fondly remember previous major pieces of Alcor literature, such as Reaching for Tomorrow. Fine as those overview books were, they became outdated. The value of such comprehensive and clearly explained books remains. I’m supporting and will assist Mike Perry with his project to revise cryonics literature and make it available to those intrigued about cryonics.

Documentation: Another project I’m pushing is to improve the degree of documentation of crucial processes. This will make it easier to train additional people and to provide existing people with clear procedures to follow. Among the processes whose documentation are to be checked, improved, or created are: construction of tubing packs; supply inventory maintenance; procurement of chemicals, including custom-made chemicals; solution preparation; mixing perfusates; filling dewars; field blood washouts; cryoprotective perfusion; cryoprotectant perfusion equipment maintenance and troubleshooting; cryoprotectant perfusion equipment operation during cases; and cooldown and encapsulation operations.

Building Improvements: Visitors to Alcor cannot help but notice changes. One of the less obvious but important one is that OR cleanliness has been improved by the addition of tacky mats by the door and skirts and weather-stripping around both doors. More obvious improvements include a much quieter kitchen fan; painting of chipped base boards (underway); painting walls in the conference room (completed), entrance area (underway), and some offices (planned); moving Steve Graber to a renovated office nearer the workshop, freeing his current office for the new MCD position (done); and removal of some front cubicles and the creation of a better reception area (planned). We are also replacing the large number of framed pictures of patients in the conference room with a dynamic electronic display using LCD frames. This not only looks much better but is a scalable solution as our patient population grows.

Alcor 104th patient: As you will have read elsewhere, On Friday March 25, after a field washout by Suspended Animation, Alcor member A-2478 was transported by charter flight to Scottsdale (most of the cost of which had previously been covered by a relative), arriving shortly after midnight on Saturday March 26. Surgery and perfusion were performed without major incident. The patient has been transferred to long-term storage at liquid nitrogen temperature. This was my first time overseeing a cryopreservation. As a result of the experience, I have added to the Emergency Checklist, created a more comprehensive Emergency Contact list, and developed a better understanding of the indications and contra-indications for field washout. We are also developing more and better options for mortuaries and charter flights.

Talks: As part of a renewed effort to inform and inspire new audiences about cryonics, I will be giving a talk at the May 14-15 Humanity+ @ Parsons conference, titled “Designing Death: Reframing and Refusing the End of Life”. [] The conference—organized by today’s leading transhumanist organization and a leading design school—features a rich roster of speakers and, we hope, an audience open to exploring the possibilities for changing “death” from an unchosen end into a new beginning with a fresh body and open future. As previously mentioned, the following weekend I will be representing Alcor at the Suspended Animation conference. Then, in August/September, I’ll be speaking on cryonics at Aubrey de Grey’s fifth SENS conference in Cambridge, England.

Boosting growth through communication: Alcor membership has been growing slowly in recent years (despite an uptick in April). It’s time to focus on boosting growth so that we can maintain and improve our technical capabilities. I am starting to do this through two measures. The first of these, already underway, is to give more talks on cryonics and Alcor to potentially interested and open groups. In addition to the three conference talks already arranged for this year, we will be looking to secure the services of a speaker’s agent or bureau. The second initiative is to make use of Web video by posting short (no more than 5-minute) videos on YouTube and/or Vimeo, answering common questions, refuting common objections, and addressing misconceptions. We will also look into other forms of targeted social media.

Visitors: On a Saturday in late February, we had some eminent and influential visitors. Many of the staff came in to join in the tour. Many penetrating questions were asked, and it seems very likely that we will have new members as a result. (I hope we will be able to reveal their identities at that point.)


Alcor Discount for Foresight@Google

25th Anniversary Conference Celebration & Reunion Weekend
Google HQ in Mountain View, CA
June 25-26, 2011

Alcor members and friends will receive $50 off the full price by using the discount code ALCOR for this conference.  For more information, please visit the Foresight  Institute website:

What promise does nanotech hold for you? Health, space travel, longevity. Join friends old and new this summer at Google’s Mountain View headquarters in Silicon Valley as we explore the future of nanotech with a rockstar lineup of nanotech experts and entrepreneurs. Topics are emerging tech with special emphasis on transformative nanotech. 

A rockstar lineup of speakers include:
• BARNEY PELL, PhD – Cofounder/CTO of Moon Express making robotic lunar landers
• WILLIAM ANDREGG – Founder/CEO of Halcyon Molecular
• PAUL SAFFO, PhD – Renowned tech forecaster and strategist
• LUKE NOSEK – CoFounder of Paypal, Partner at the Founders Fund
• SIR FRASER STODDART, PhD – Knighted creator of molecular “switches”
• THOMAS THEIS, PhD – IBM’s Director of Physical Sciences
• Keynote JIM VON EHR – Founder/President of Zyvex, the world’s first successful molecular nanotech company

Alcor Video Library

The Alcor Video Library has recently added new material. It now includes a short Video Tour of Alcor Facility and five complete presentations from the 2006 Alcor Conference.  The video quality has also been significantly upgraded.  Please visit Alcor Library Videos or use the links below to go directly to a particular video.

The Limitless Future (28-minutes). Alcor documentary video (2005). Discover how leading-edge science at the Alcor Life Extension Foundation is getting closer to making the dream of a vastly extended lifespan come true and how our notion of “death” is shifting. Includes interviews with world-renowned scientists including Dr. Aubrey de Grey, Department of Genetics at the University of Cambridge, explaining how life can be cryopreserved on the verge of death and then revitalized, giving us a second chance at a long and productive life, and Dr. Ralph Merkle, Distinguished Professor of Computing at Georgia Tech, exploring how molecular-sized machines will be able to repair damage to your body from aging or the devastating effects of cancer and other illnesses, including frostbite.

Alcor Facility Tour (3 minutes) – Short video tour of the Alcor Life Extension Foundation facility in Scottsdale, Arizona, conducted by Stephen Van Sickle, who was Executive Director at Alcor when this tour was filmed in 2006.

6th Alcor Conference 2006 – this link goes to a page with full descriptions of all conference video presentations.
Excerpts (14 minutes). Overview of the conference with short segments from various sections.
Ralph Merkle – Nanotechnology and Cryonics (25 minutes).
J. Storrs Hall – Cryonics: A Door into Summer (24 minutes).
David Friedman – If Life Were a Lot Longer: An Economist’s View (26 minutes).
Aubrey de Grey – SENS: A Precursor to Cryonic Revival (36 minutes).
Brian Wowk – The Cryobiological Basis of Cryonics (42 minutes).

Suspended Animation by Vitrification – (25 minute) Conference presentation (November, 2005). A cryobiologist talks about the current state of tissue cryopreservation technology in mainstream science and the implications for cryonics.