Cryonics May-June 2012

The May-June issue of Cryonics magazine feature, “The Allocation of Long Term Care Costs at Alcor” by Board member Ralph Merkle presents a conceptual and quantitative analysis of the allocation of storage costs between neuro and whole body patients. 

Most Alcor members are aware that long term care costs for neuro patients are lower than for whole body patients but how are these number exactly derived and is the current allocation fair? This extensive article also includes new photos of the Alcor patient care bay, dewars and patient enclosures. The online version of this issue will be available on the Alcor website early June.

New Annual Giving Program

Alcor has always relied on the generosity of members like you to achieve its goals. Your charitable donation to the Annual Giving Program, in any amount, will help keep Alcor positioned as the world leader in cryonics services.

 What size donation is appropriate? Any gift, no matter how small, plays an important part in maintaining Alcor. We encourage all members to participate; small donations can often mean a big difference in what we can accomplish. You also have the option of splitting your gift into easy monthly payments to fit your budget. If you have questions or would like more information on this project, email Lisa Shock at .

Transport and Readiness Report

Case Report for A-1002
The case report for Alcor founder Fred Chamberlain A-1002 has been completed and published to Alcor’s website at: 

Training-Southern California
A training session for the Southern California response team is being planned for the month of June at the Critical Care Research facility in Rancho Cucamonga, CA. This will be a one day refresher for volunteers in that vicinity, many of whom may not have been on a case in a while. This training session is scheduled for Saturday, June 23, 2012. Please email Aaron Drake  to register and for detailed information.

As there has been a large turnover in employees at the Riverside Resort in Laughlin, Nevada over the past couple of years, their management has requested a training session so that there will be adequate coverage in the event of an emergency. This will be a full two-day event that includes all aspects of the stabilization process from cryonics theory to practical application to an in-house scenario that involves the entire hotel security team. This training session is for current Laughlin team members only.

Medical Response Director, Aaron Drake 
As a part of the required paramedic refresher training, Aaron Drake will be certified as a CPR, AED, First Aid, and Blood Borne Pathogens instructor. This will lead to all staff members having the opportunity to renew their CPR certification and review use the in-house AED. This will be beneficial not only in the event of an employee medical emergency, but also for the general public and members who visit and/or tour the Alcor facility.

New Program: Press Notification of Cryopreservation

Are you a public Alcor member? Would you like to help Alcor increase the awareness of cryonics in your local community?  If your answer is yes to these questions, Alcor would like to encourage you to participate in the new press release project.

For public members who submit consent forms, Alcor will send a press release to local hometown newspapers upon cryopreservation. These press releases will be brief; similar to the business notices that appear in many local papers.

Simply fill out the consent form and mail it to Alcor. You can also fax it to 480/922-9027, Attn: Lisa Shock.  Your form will be placed in your membership file for future reference.

If you have questions or would like more information on this project, email Lisa at .


Silent Auction

Alcor is seeking donations for a silent auction to be held during the 40th Anniversary Conference, October 19-21, 2012. Previous silent auctions have been exciting opportunities for attendees to acquire rare art and collectibles, and provided important funding to support Alcor’s mission.  With help from members and supporters like you, this year’s event is expected to be bigger and more exciting than ever.

Since many people will be travelling to the event, small items are the most desirable. Suggested donations include: autographed books, small collectibles, small art, gift certificates, and digital media. Items should be in good condition, and donors should include a statement of the item’s current market value.

Alcor has always relied on the generosity of members like you to achieve its goals. Your charitable donation to the silent auction will help keep Alcor positioned as the world leader in cryonics services.

For more information, please contact Lisa Shock at or 480/905-1906 extension 115.

Cryonics March-April 2012

The March-April issue of Cryonics features an extensive treatment of protecting one’s cryonics arrangements against inflation through life insurance. Insurance agent and Alcor member Rudi Hoffman makes the case for “superfunding” your cryonics arrangements to keep pace with the rising costs of advanced medical procedures. The author explains the differences between the major forms of life insurance (term life, whole life, universal life, etc.), gives advice on how to evaluate the various bells and whistles insurances companies offer, and provides guidance on how to read those long policy illustrations.

This issue continues the recent focus on identity-destroying brain disorders by offering an article by Alcor staff member Mike Perry about the latest developments in Alzheimer’s Disease diagnosis.

Alcor CEO Max More reports on the upcoming Alcor conference and both book reviews deal with the topic of immortality, albeit from a different perspective.

Alcor Northern California Meeting

The next Alcor Northern California meeting is Sunday, April 15th at 4pm.

Please bring your favorite dish to share with friends. Also, feel free to bring a suit and towel for the pool (now heated), the sauna or the hot tub. 

Contact Mark Galeck at , to RSVP.
Location: 505 Cypress Point Dr Mountain View.

Next Alcor Board of Directors Meeting

The next Alcor Board of Directors meeting is scheduled for Saturday, May 5, 2012, at 11:00 AM (PDST) at the Alcor facility (7895 East Acoma Drive in Scottsdale, AZ). Members and the public are encouraged to attend.

Registration for the Teens and Twenties Cryonics Meeting Still Open

There are still 8 spaces available for the April 2012 Teens and Twenties cryonics meeting in Florida. If you are a funded member of a cryonics organization and meet the eligibility criteria, you can still register until Friday morning and apply for a paid scholarship to cover travel and lodging expenses. More information about the event and application forms are available here.

Associate Membership

Introducing a new class of Alcor member
Supporters of Alcor who are not yet ready to make cryopreservation arrangements can now become an Associate Member by paying $10/month. Associate members are members of the Alcor Life Extension Foundation who have not made cryonics arrangements but financially support the organization. They will:

  • receive Cryonics magazine
  • discounts on the conference
  • access to the Alcor Member Forums
  • reduced or waived (after one year of associate membership) sign-up fees if they do decide to become full members.

We will encourage members who are having to drop their arrangements temporarily due to reduced income to remain as Associate Members.

Associate membership is $10/month (or $30/quarter, or $120 annually). Send a check or money order to Alcor Life Extension Foundation, 7895 E. Acoma Dr., Suite 110, Scottsdale, Arizona 85260 or call D’Bora Tarrant at (480) 905-1906 ext. 101 with your credit card information. Or pay online using PayPal. If you want to receive Cryonics magazine, be sure to include your name and mailing address.