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Conference Registration Rate to Increase 09/01

View excerpts from the 2006 conference DVD Register Today for $395 Rate will increase after Friday, Aug. 31 Join us in Scottsdale, Arizona, for the 7th Alcor Conference October 5-7, 2007, and discover the world’s leader in the most ambitious life extension endeavor ever: CRYONICS. Don’t miss this weekend of presentations about the cryopreservation process, […]

Annual Board Meeting in September

Annual elections will be held at the September 7, 2007 Board meeting. This meeting will be held in the Northern California area. All Alcor Board meetings are open to the public and we encourage everyone to attend. Please revisit this blog later in the week for more details about time and location. Special Note: Alcor […]

Online Hotel Reservations for Alcor Conference

We’ve received some feedback that attendees of the 7th Alcor conference are occasionally receiving an error message when attempting to reserve a hotel room at the Hilton Resort. If you are experiencing difficulty reserving your hotel room online, please contact Alcor’s conference planner: Connie Gutierrez 480-990-1887 Or Alcor: Jennifer Chapman 877-462-5267 x 113 […]

Watch excerpts – 6th Alcor Conference DVD set

Excerpts from the 6th Alcor Conference DVD set are now available online. – Brian Wowk discusses the relationship between cryonics and advanced tissue regeneration technology. – Aubrey de Grey shares his opinion about offering a cryonics prize for scientists. – Ralph Merkle explains how the cryonics experiment is similar to clinical trials to determine whether […]

7th Alcor Conference-Endeavor for Life – Registration Deadlines

October 5-7, 2007 Scottsdale, Arizona Hilton Scottsdale Resort REGISTER ONLINE NOW Registration of $395 ends August 31st; September 1st & after $495 Join us to discover the world’s leader in the most ambitious life extension endeavor ever: CRYONICS. Learn about the cryopreservation process, the possibility of repairing cryopreserved individuals, and how present day technology and […]

Next Board Meeting

The next meeting will be the Annual Board Meeting on September 7, 2007. This meeting will be held in San Francisco, California. The location and time will be determined at a later date.

August 4, 2007, Board Meeting Results

There was discussion of the following topics: – The whole body cryopreservation system is very close to getting the operational features in place. – There are currently 34 applicants in the queue.

Alcor Featured in Local News Journal

Alcor was the cover feature article in the August/September 2007 AZ Business magazine. The article, titled “Waiting to Awake”, focused on the Scottsdale–based cryonics organization in a positive and informative light. To read this article about Alcor and an interview with Tanya Jones, Chief Operating Officer for the Alcor Foundation, visit: AZ Business

Billing Difficulties Resolved

In late 2006, Alcor began mainly sending membership dues invoices by email, in an attempt to streamline operations and minimize postage expenses. This was less reliable than desired, and many members were unaware of the change. Due to this, printed invoices will again be sent through the postal mail. Those currently receiving invoices by email […]