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From September Financial & Accounting Report

As of mid-July, invoices over 90 days past due tallied nearly $73,000. This is believed to be primarily the result of having changed to email-only invoices about a year ago. After a mailing explaining the billing difficulties, the past due amount was reduced to around $50,000 by late-August. Incoming payments dropped off at that point, […]

From September Research & Development Report

The whole body vitrification system is in the final stretches. This project has turned out to be more complex than anticipated, but the end result is expected to be truly extraordinary. The new system will be the most advance human cryopreservation system in the world, with complete integration and control of the relevant cryopreservation parameters, […]

Meet Cryonics Members & Supporters in Chicago, IL Area!

Paul Battista would to start a cryonics group to meet on a regular basis in the Chicago, IL area. The primary purpose for these meetings would be to provide opportunities for like-minded people to discuss topics of interest pertaining to cryonics and related fields. If you are interested in building a sustainable cryonics community in […]

Alcor Board of Directors Panel at Conference

Representatives of the Alcor Board of Directors will participate in a panel discussion at the 7th Alcor conference to address questions from the audience. Alcor members and cryonics enthusiasts, whether attending the conference or not, are encouraged to submit questions in advance. Email:

September Operations Update

We cryopreserved a member’s dog that died last week. The member knew his dog was ill and has been making pre-payments toward the preservation for some time. The dog was shipped to us on dry ice and has been cooled. Alcor now has 32 pets in its care. As mentioned briefly last month, I held […]

Alcor’s Debut on the History Channel

A production company filming for Modern Marvels recently visited Alcor to film the facility and gather research information on the cryopreservation process for their upcoming program on the History Channel. While visiting Alcor the crew arrived just in time to film the transfer of Alcor’s latest patient from a temporary cool down dewar to a […]

Alcor Board Meeting in San Francisco, California

If you are curious about what happens at an Alcor board meeting we encourage you to attend this event on Friday, September 7, 2007, 4:00 pm to 7:00 pm. This a great opportunity to meet Alcor Board Members and staff who are in the area to attend the Singularity Summit. Coffee, tea, water and hors […]

From the August Administrative Reports

With assistance from several staff members (mainly Randal Fry & Regina Pancake), the facility was prepared for a visit from a Modern Marvels film crew, which took place on 07/30. Tanya Jones did the main interview and demonstration, with demo assistance from Chana de Wolf. The patient in cooldown happened to be scheduled for transfer […]

From the August Operations Report

In July, a last minute case was accepted, with the patient being a Canadian individual with a will stating he wished to be cryopreserved by Alcor and directing his estate to pay the bill. The Board chose to accept this case because of the clear statement of the individual’s wishes and because the funding was […]

On the Whole-Body Perfusion System

To expand upon the regrettably cryptic message posted recently on our whole-body perfusion system development, we are nearing completion on building the new perfusion system for whole-body vitrification. All of the necessary perfusion elements have control systems now, i.e. the computer can control the temperature, pressure, flow, refractive index and more. We are at the […]