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Alcor on Facebook and MySpace

Alcor now has a presence on Facebook and MySpace. The Cryonics Special Interest Group on Facebook is intended to provide a medium for those interested in cryonics or other recovery and regenerative technologies to connect, share information, and coordinate geographic socials or working groups of like-minded individuals. This group includes, but is not limited to, […]

Alcor Board of Directors Elects New Member

On November 3, 2007, Alcor elected Ravin Jain as its newest member to the Board of Directors. Dr. Ravin Jain is a neurologist practicing in the Los Angeles area and also serves as Assistant Clinical Professor of Neurology at the UCLA School of Medicine. He attended Northwestern University, where he graduated Phi Beta Kappa with […]

Volunteer Opportunities at Alcor

Non-profit organizations like Alcor depend on volunteers to improve the bottom line. Unfortunately, some of our most enthusiastic members live too far away to help out at the Alcor facility in Arizona. To rectify this situation, we are happy to announce the addition of the Volunteer Opportunities page to the website, which lists volunteer opportunities […]

2007 Membership Directory

We apologize if your name was not published in this year’s directory. The way we approached it was to require anyone who wanted to be included to fill out a special form, which was sent in August. Although nearly half our members filled out the form, there were several who overlooked it. Next year, we […]

Engineering Developments in Cryonics

Testing of several engineering developments is underway, including the Advanced Cryoprotective Perfusion System (ACPS), the patient enclosure, and the Air Transportable Perfusion system (ATP). The ACPS, which will enable computer control of the process of perfusing the body with cryoprotectants during cryopreservation, is being incrementally tested. Control code is in place for system calibration, perfusate […]

Laboratory Renovations Near Completion

Renovations to Alcor’s lab spaces continue. A new protective coating was applied to the floors, the walls have been painted, and new cabinets have been installed in the cardiopulmonary bypass lab, the large animal training room, and the dry lab. Countertops will be added next. Despite the disruption caused by renovation, Chana de Wolf was […]

Cryopreservation and Related Cases

One pet cryopreservation was performed on a member’s beloved cat in October. Alcor now has 33 pets in its care. An elderly, long-time member in California suffered a pair of apparent seizures recently. He was briefly hospitalized and released after a period of overnight observation. After additional tests were completed, Alcor personnel visited this member […]


The 7th Alcor Conference was held in early October. Of the paid registrants, 40 were members of Alcor and 43 were non-members. Total attendance was approximately 125 people, including registrants, staff, speakers, sponsors, volunteers, press and other special guests. A total of $14,500 in sponsorships was collected. The conference DVD will be professionally edited and […]

Membership Matters

Approximately 85 Alcor members are over 90 days past due on their membership dues. Alcor is actively attempting to reach them for payment or payment arrangements. Timely payment of membership dues is required to remain a member in good standing. The 2007 Membership Directory was mailed out this week. Alcor took the opportunity to include […]