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Paper Published

A new scholarly paper has been published in the International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Pathology, reporting on work conducted here at Alcor by Dr. Sergey V. Sheleg and Hugh Hixon. The paper is available online: Stability and Autolysis of Cortical Neurons in Post-Mortem Adult Rat Brains It consists of a histological study of rat […]

7th Alcor Conference DVD Set

Wish you could have attended the 2007 conference? Don’t worry . . . the conference will come to you! The 2007 Alcor Conference DVD set is now in production and will be available soon! This 2 DVD set will include a tour of the Alcor facility AND intriguing presentations with Q&A sessions for the following […]

Next Board Meeting

The next Board meeting is scheduled for Saturday, January 5, 2008 at the Alcor facility (7895 East Acoma Drive in Scottsdale, AZ) at 11:00 AM (MST). Members and the public are encouraged to attend.

Readiness and Administrative Report

Clinical and Readiness A second ice bath for the new emergency transport kits has been completed. The construction of the liner will be modified slightly before making any more, because there are ways to simplify fabrication. The latest modifications to the general design have resulted in a significant weight reduction in the ice baths, which […]

Engineering Development

It was previously reported that Alcor is designing a new integrated cardiopulmonary bypass system for its air transportable perfusion (ATP) system. During cryopreservation cases, the ATP takes over the function of the patient’s own heart and a heat exchanger in the heart-lung machine reduces the patient’s temperature to a few degrees above the freezing point […]

2007 End of the Year Donation

The year 2007 is fast coming to a close, and with it the opportunity for tax deductible donations to the charities of your choice. Now is the perfect time for you to choose to make out your end-of-year donation check to the Alcor Foundation. Afterall, it is the goodwill of our small community of supporters […]

Cryonics Medications Review

Aschwin de Wolf, a consultant for a number of cryonics organizations, has written a comprehensive review of human cryopreservation medications. Individual drugs currently used in cryonics protocols are extensively reviewed and, in some instances, substitutes are suggested. The article concludes by proposing general principles for human cryopreservation combinational pharmacotherapy, and specific future research directions are […]

Cryonics Magazine – Free!

Are you, or someone you know, interested in learning more about Alcor and cryonics? One of the best ways to learn more is by reading Cryonics Magazine, and for a limited time you can receive a FREE 1-year trial subscription. Simply send us your contact info to request your free subscription today. Use a Message […]

Board of Director’s Meeting Dec 1

There will be a regular December meeting of the Alcor Board of Directors this coming Saturday, December 1. It will be held at our Scottsdale facility at 11:00 AM Arizona time. All are invited, and lunch is served afterwards.

CryoFeast and CatWarming Party

Friends, Cryonicists, Futurists – You are invited to a CryoFeast and CatWarming party at the home of Peter & Louise Voss in Playa del Rey on Saturday, December 15th, from 3pm to 8pm. Food & soft drinks will be provided, but you are welcome to bring some additional dishes and/or drinks. The party location is: […]