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Next Board Meeting

The next Board meeting is scheduled for Saturday, April 5, 2008, at the Alcor facility (7895 East Acoma Drive in Scottsdale, AZ) at 11:00 AM (PDT). Members and the public are encouraged to attend.

Research and Development

In the last update we reported that Alcor’s Advanced Cryoprotective Perfusion System (ACPS) was awaiting final wiring of the system. The panel containing the refractometers and temperature monitoring systems, as well as other assorted electronics, has now been wired for use. The programmer is currently assembling all of the discrete components of the system into […]

Los Angeles Training Session

Regina Pancake, one of Alcor’s staff, traveled to Los Angeles on February 23rd for a small training session with local “first response” team members. She demonstrated Alcor’s newly designed portable ice bath, leading to some useful feedback and resulting in some changes to be implemented with subsequent versions. The Los Angeles team members also indicated […]

Florida Standby

Alcor recently performed a 13-day standby for a member in Florida who was hospitalized for medical reasons and an emergency procedure. Alcor was prompted to launch a standby under the Comprehensive Member Standby (CMS) program, an especially good idea because there were medical factors complicating the surgery. First notice of the case arrived late afternoon, […]

Barbara Walters Special to Air April 1st

Alcor COO Tanya Jones and Alcor member Shannon Vyff were interviewed for a Barbara Walters Special in 2006. The documentary will address ways people around the world are pursuing longevity. Watch for it on ABC on April 1st. Check your local TV listing for program air time. Conference DVD The 7th Alcor Conference DVD has […]

Membership Growth on the Rise

Several new efforts to increase membership, largely revolving around improving personal contact with prospective applicants and extending them promotional offers, have doubled the typical number of incoming applicants per month. Additionally, 65 applications for membership with Alcor have been submitted since December 2007, surpassing the total number of applications submitted in the first eleven months […]

New Volunteer Opportunity

What is the top way to educate others about cryonics? Word of mouth referral. Add your name to our list of “membership growth activists” who are willing to speak with prospective members about cryonics and Alcor’s membership program. You will only call people with an interest in cryonics who want to be contacted (no cold […]

Next Board Meeting

The next Board meeting is scheduled for Saturday, March 1, 2008, at the Alcor facility (7895 East Acoma Drive in Scottsdale, AZ) at 11:00 AM (MST). Members and the public are encouraged to attend.

Alcor News Update

Tanya Jones wrote a post for Alcor News explaining Alcor’s challenges and vision/efforts for overcoming them. The blog was opened for comments, as well. https://www.alcor.org/news/2008/01/update_on_recent_progress This has resulted in several positive outcomes. Alcor has received multiple compliments, both public and private, including one from a prospective member who wrote: “…I have been following Alcor news […]

Research and Development

We regret the departure of Chana de Wolf, which will put our cardiopulmonary bypass research on hold as we search for a replacement. Steve Van Sickle will assume those duties until a full-time research associate is found. Alcor received numerous resumes and phone calls and will narrow down the selection in the coming weeks.