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First Responders Training at Alcor Facility

Alcor plans to start a series of regular training sessions that will be held at Alcor up to six times a year, beginning with three during the remainder of this year. The first of these free training weekends for first responders will be on the weekend of June 13th and 14th 2009 at the Alcor […]

Laughlin Training

On May 4th and 5th, Alcor’s transport team did a two day training in Laughlin Nevada for the casino owner’s security detail who are tasked with being Don Laughlin’s personal first responders in the event of his legal death. The Alcor team trainers, Aaron Drake, Todd Huffman and Regina Pancake set up stations for the […]

New Board Member

Alcor is pleased to announce the election of Tim Shavers to the Alcor Board of Directors at the May board meeting (held April 25 for scheduling reasons). Tim is a new member of Alcor, but has been an active Advisor and member of the Finance Committee since last year. He brings to the board an […]

Recent Deployments

April was a busy month for Alcor field work. Two Alcor members had scheduled surgeries in Arizona during the last week of April. One of the surgeries was deemed to be high risk. The surgeries were in Tucson and Phoenix, one day apart. Alcor elected to perform precautionary standbys for both of them, bringing in […]

Cryonics Magazine

Alcor apologizes for the substantial delays in getting the two remaining 2008 issues to its members and subscribers in time. To get the publication of the magazine back on track again, and to improve its contents, Alcor has appointed Alcor member and publisher of the cryonics blog Depressed Metabolism Aschwin de Wolf as editor of […]

Alcor’s Transport and Readiness Team Update

The last weekend of March, Alcor’s transport coordinator, Aaron Drake, and readiness coordinator, Regina Pancake, conducted a training session at the home of board of director member Michael Riskin, for the Southern California team. It was a great turnout of 16 people, including everyone at Critical Care Research, who drove out the Suspended Animation’s rescue […]

Alcor Southern California Meeting

On Sunday March 29, EMT and Alcor Readiness Coordinator Regina Pancake and paramedic and Alcor Transport Coordinator Aaron Drake will attend the Alcor Southern California Meeting and will bring along the new Alcor icebath and Thumper combination. Also attending will be the Critical Care Research staff who will give a tour of the West Coast […]

Alcor’s Scientific Advisory Board

Alcor’s Scientific Advisory Board held its first meeting in Florida during December. A topic of discussion was the ongoing projects at Alcor and management’s plans for continuing development. Ralph Merkle and Robert Freitas also presented their plans for developing the medical nanotechnology that may be necessary to revive patients cryopreserved using current methods. The point […]

Next Board Meeting

The next Board meeting is scheduled for Saturday, April 4, 2009, at the Alcor facility (7895 East Acoma Drive in Scottsdale, AZ) at 11:00 AM (MST). Members and the public are encouraged to attend.

Research and Development

Semi-Annual IACUC Meeting Our semi-annual IACUC meeting was held in December, with its regular review of the animal protocols and facility inspection. The committee requested a few modifications to safety protocols and the development of standardizing forms for some activities. Everything else was in order. Whole-body Vitrification System We have begun the large task of […]