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TX First Responders Training Session Postponed

The Alcor First Responders Training previously scheduled for July 25th and 26th has been postponed. However, the Cryonics Information Session will still be held on July 25th from 4:00 PM to 5:00pm at Steve Jackson Games. The training session is now scheduled for August 29th and 30th. Saturday, August 29th: 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM […]

Team Training

Team Training Plans are in the works to re-establish the Arizona team. The team will meet on a regular basis to not only provide team member training but also to train the professional team that will support the different regional teams. Also, the survey sent out in May, 2009, regarding individuals interested in becoming team […]

New Statistics (As of June)

Membership Alcor had 891 members on its Emergency Responsibility List. Four memberships were approved during this month, two memberships were reinstated, one membership was cancelled and no members were cryopreserved. Overall, there was a net gain of five members this month. Applicant Alcor had 60 applicants for membership. Ten new applicants were added, four (4) […]

Upcoming Board Meeting

The upcoming Board meeting is scheduled for August 1, 2009, at the Alcor facility (7895 East Acoma Drive in Scottsdale, AZ) at 11:00 AM (MST). Members and the public are encouraged to attend.

Deployment Committee

Deployment Committee To better determine when a standby would be initiated and at what level, a Deployment Committee has been established. Comprised of Executive Director Jennifer Chapman, Transport Coordinator Aaron Drake and Chief Medical Advisor Steven Harris. Collectively the committee will review the details of a medical procedure or condition and evaluate the level of […]

Suspended Animation, Inc

A mutual assistance agreement was signed with Suspended Animation, Inc. to assist the organization with the standby, stabilization and transport of its patients. This will significantly enhance our ability to deliver quality care to our membership. We look forward to working with Suspended Animation.

Alcor Northern California Regional Quarterly Meeting

There will be a meeting about Alcor and cryonics in the San Francisco Bay Area, on July 12, 2009, at 4:00 pm. Exact location to be determined later. Please contact for details and what dish to bring for the potluck.

Alcor Patient Care Trust Assets

As of April 30, 2009, the Alcor Patient Care Trust Fund has assets of 3.05 million dollars, invested as follows: * The Patient Care Trust owns just over 75% of the shares in Cryonics Properties, LLC, the limited liability company that owns the Alcor building (all other shares are owned by Alcor members). These shares […]

Cryonics Meeting, New York

Cryonics Meeting, New York, June 6th 2009, Saturday 2-5 pm At Stonehurst, home of Peter Gouras M.D. Riverdale, the Bronx Topics to be considered: 1. Can local members be organized to aid in the cool-down and transport of a deceased member? 2. What is the best protocol for doing this? 3. Can we support a […]