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Alcor’s 117th Patient

At 99 years old, whole-body Alcor member A-2419 (confidential) became one of the oldest individuals to ever be cryopreserved, with only two other members being slightly older. Living in St. Louis, Missouri for his entire life, he served in the Army Air Force during WWII and was awarded two Bronze Service Stars. For most people […]

Alcor’s 116th Patient

On March 6, 2013, following pronouncement, we cryopreserved (confidential) 91-year old member A-2605 (neurocryopreservation option), who became Alcor’s 116th patient. On February 22, 2013, Alcor received a call from the son of one of our members. His father had been admitted to a hospital in Chapel Hill, NC for an infection, but a previously diagnosed […]

Alcor’s 115th Patient

On Wednesday February 6, 2013, confidential Alcor member A-1349 was pronounced and cryopreservation procedures were begun immediately on Alcor’s behalf by Suspended Animation. A-1349, a whole-body member aged 77, became Alcor’s 115th patient. Pronouncement occurred shortly after midnight on the east coast, and the patient arrived at Alcor at 2:46pm. One notable aspect of the […]

The Cryopreservation of Kim Suozzi

Alcor member Kim Suozzi (A-2643) was pronounced legally deceased on January 17, 2013. A neurocryopreservation, Kim became Alcor’s 114th patient. In every single case, involuntary clinical death (by today’s standards) is a terrible thing to happen. Kim Suozzi’s situation was especially unfortunate in that she was cryopreserved at the age of 23, following a less-than-two-year […]

Cryonics Magazine January 2013

The January 2013 issue of Cryonics magazine contains a detailed report of our successful 2012 Alcor-40 conference, including a summary of the presentations of all speakers. This issue also features an extensive review of chemopreservation as an alternative to cryopreservation by Cryonics magazine editor Aschwin de Wolf. Among the topics discussed are the necessity of […]

Next Alcor Board of Directors Meeting

The next Alcor Board of Directors meeting is scheduled for Saturday, February 2, 2012, at 11:00 AM (MST) at the Alcor facility, 7895 East Acoma Drive in Scottsdale, AZ. The public part of the meeting will be short, to allow in-depth board discussions. Members and the public may attend the public portion in which announcements […]

Next Alcor Board of Directors Meeting

The next Alcor Board of Directors meeting is scheduled for Saturday December 8, 2012, at 11:00 AM (MST) at the Alcor facility, 7895 East Acoma Drive in Scottsdale, AZ. The public part of the meeting will be short, to allow in-depth board discussions. Members and the public may attend the public portion in which announcements […]

Alcor’s 113th Patient

John Monts, A-1645, a neuro member of Alcor since January 1997, was declared clinically dead as of October 31, 2012 at age 68. He is Alcor’s 113th patient. On the afternoon of Thursday November 1, 2012, several personnel at Alcor received a Telemed emergency call and text concerning member John Monts. (Mr Monts requested privacy […]

Cryo vs. Chemo Discussion at Humanity+ Conference, San Francisco

Humanity+ will be holding a conference in San Francisco, December 1-2, 2012. Max More will be speaking on “Archiving the Brain’s Writing: Cryo or Chemo?” Among other Alcor members speaking are Aubrey de Grey, Natasha Vita-More, Todd Huffman, Christine Peterson, and Ben Goertzel. These and many more speakers will discuss aspects of “Writing the Future.”

Southern California Annual CryoFeast and Networking Event

Meet up with old friends or make some new ones. You might even meet the perfect person to collaborate with on a project. If you attended the Alcor-40 2012 Conference you know how important it is that we all try to keep in touch as often as we can with our fellow Cryonicists. Events like […]