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First cryonaut, is now the longest-surviving human being ever

Jeanne Calment is listed as the longest-living (verified) human being in history. She was born on February 21, 1875 and died on 4 August 1997, at the age of 122 years, 164 days (or 44,724 days). Now that record has been surpassed – if cryopreservation works as a means of extending his life. Dr. James […]

Du Hong, A-2833, becomes Alcor’s 138th patient on May 30, 2015

Du Hong, Alcor member A-2833, was pronounced clinically dead on May 30, 2015 at the age of 61. Du Hong, a neurocryopreservation member, was Alcor’s first patient from China, and 138th patient overall. Du Hong was born in Chongqing, China and became well-known as a writer of books for children and as an editor of […]

A-2813 becomes Alcor’s 137th patient on May 25, 2015

Private member A-2813 was pronounced clinically dead on May 25, 2015 in Florida. A-2813, a whole body member, arrived at Alcor at 12:37am on May 26, becoming Alcor’s 137th patient. This individual was in the ICU of a Florida hospital with acute respiratory problems that persisted for an extended period of time. His daughter initiated […]

Maricopa County discount on CMS

Maricopa county, Arizona permanent residents will receive $60 off their CMS fees per year starting in October 1, 2015. Comment: Alcor offers terminal members who relocate to Scottsdale up to $10,000 in assistance. Being located near Alcor when cryopreservation is needed not only improves response time but also reduces costs. It seemed to some a […]

Members Dues Reduction

For the third consecutive year, Alcor is reducing membership dues. Starting October 1, 2015: There will be a reduction in dues by approximately 1% (the exact amount in dollars to be determined) for all except family members and minor children. Minor children will receive approximately a 50% cut in dues, and dues will be charged […]

2015 Annual Meeting Elections

OFFICERS President: Max More was re-relected unanimously. CFO/treasurer: Michael Perry was re-relected unanimously. Secretary: Michael Perry was re-relected unanimously. DIRECTORS Each director on the existing Board of Directors was relected unanimously: Catherine Baldwin James Clement Ravin Jain Saul Kent Ralph Merkle Michael Riskin Brian Wowk

A-2019 becomes Alcor’s 139th patient on June 28, 2015

Private Alcor member A-2019 was pronounced clinically dead on June 28, 2015 in St. Louis, MO. A-2019, a neurocryopreservation member, was Alcor’s 139th patient and arrived at Alcor on July 2, where cool down from dry ice temperature to liquid nitrogen temperature commenced. In mid-May, Alcor received a call from one of our members in […]

Alcor Northern California Meeting

Northern California Meeting and Potluck on July 19th at 4:00 p.m. Hosted by: Prem Cervenka Address: 3181 Surmont Dr. Lafayette, CA 94549 Phone: 925-932-3790 Take the driveway through the gate to the top of the hill. There’s plenty of parking there. We have a pool, so bring swim suits if you’d like. Some appetizers will […]

Membership Numbers Update, May 31, 2015

Membership Numbers Members with cryopreservation arrangements = 1,037 Associate Members = 157 Patients = 138 Total membership = 1,332 Patients Neurocryopreservation = 86 Whole Body Cryopreservation = 47 Neuro with Whole Body = 5