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Northern California Alcor Meeting

WHAT: Northern California Alcor Meeting

WHERE: The Clubhouse at 505 Cypress Point Dr., Mountain View

WHEN: January 17th at 4:00 p.m.

I should also point out to people who have not been here, that “505 Cypress Point Dr” refers to the main clubhouse of the condominium complex located at the last address. Meaning, if you see something like “505 Cypress Point Dr, 123-456” that is not it. You should look for the sign that says “505 Cypress Point Dr” ONLY , and that sign is at Cypress Point Dr, but not exactly at the location that the navigation systems point to (they tend to point to the central point of the complex). At that sign, is the clubhouse.

We have potluck food, so bring some. We also have a sauna, whirlpool, billiards and ping-pong if you feel so inclined.

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